Sekai's Happy New Year!/Story/Chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Chapter Tabs |base = Sekai's Happy New Year!/Story |prev = Chapter 2 |next = Chapter 3 }} {{Story Chapter |image = Newyear2020 chapter 2.png |chapter = Chapter 2 |english = How to Spend New Year's Eve |japanese = 大晦日のすごしかた |romaji = Oomisoka no Sugoshi Kata |characters = mizuki,kanade,ena,mafuyu |translator = |source = Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage! }} {{dialogue options}} {{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room.png}} {{Dialogue scene|Mizuki's Room}...")
No edit summary
Line 23:
|character = Mizuki
|english = <K, I tweaked that thing from earlier. What do you think of this version?>
|japanese = 『K、昨日アイディアもらったとこ 直してみたんだけど、どうかな?』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Kanade's room.png}}
Line 29:
|character = Kanade
|english = <This is much better... Let's go with it.>
|japanese = 『……うん。すごく良くなってる。 これでいこう』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Yay! I'm glad I asked you for feedback.>
|japanese = 『よかったー! Kの意見聞いて正解だったよ!』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Ena's room - Mafuyu's room.png}}
Line 40:
|character = Ena
|english = <Then why don't we call it a night? We've been working for so long...>
|japanese = 『じゃあ、今日はそろそろお開きにする? だいぶ長いこと作業したし』
|japanese =
|character = Mafuyu
|english = <Okay. I'm going to log off.>
|japanese = 『そうだね。私も落ちる』
{{Dialogue image|Kanade's room - Mafuyu's room.png}}
Line 51:
|character = Kanade
|english = <Alright. I'm staying up a bit longer to work, so you can ping me if you need anything.>
|japanese = 『わかった。わたしはまだ作業してるから、 何かあったら声かけて』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room.png}}
Line 57:
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Oh! Guys, before you go...>
|japanese = 『あ! その前にみんな、ちょっといい?』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Kanade's room.png}}
Line 63:
|character = Kanade
|english = <What is it?>
|japanese = 『なに?』
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Are you all busy tomorrow? Because if not, I thought we could meet up and...>
|japanese = 『明日って何か予定ある?  もしヒマだったら、みんなでどこかに遊びに——』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Ena's room.png}}
Line 74:
|character = Ena
|english = <No thanks.>
|japanese = 『私はパス』
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Whaaat? Why, Ena?!>
|japanese = 『え~! なんで!?』
|character = Ena
|english = <Because it's cold. I don't want to leave my cozy house.>
|japanese = 『寒いから。外出たくないの』
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Kanade's room.png}}
Line 90:
|character = Kanade
|english = <Same here... My body just stops moving when it's cold.>
|japanese = 『わたしも……。 寒いと、動けなくなるから』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Aww, seriously...?! What about you, Yuki?>
|japanese = 『えー、なにその理由……。 ねえ、雪は?』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Mafuyu's room.png}}
Line 101:
|character = Mafuyu
|english = <Cram school for the holidays. I may even be late logging in here.>
|japanese = 『私は予備校の冬季講習がある。 ここに来るのも、少し遅れるかも』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Yikes, that's pretty rough to have classes while everyone else is on vacation...>
|japanese = 『そっかー。大晦日まで勉強なんて、雪も大変だね』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Ena's room.png}}
Line 112:
|character = Ena
|english = <If you have nothing to do, Mizuki, why don't you just stay at home?>
|japanese = 『っていうか、暇なら家にいればいいじゃん』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Kanade's room.png}}
Line 118:
|character = Kanade
|english = <Didn't you say you're going to a gig or a show for New Year's Eve...?>
|japanese = 『……そういえば、大晦日はライブに行くって 言ってなかった?』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Oh, the anime song countdown event? Unfortunately, I couldn't get tickets...>
|japanese = 『アニソンのカウントダウンライブねー。 実はそれ、外れちゃったんだー』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <It wasn't that popular last year but they got some famous singers lined up this year, so tickets sold out fast.>
|japanese = 『去年までそんなに倍率高くなかったんだけど、今年は 有名アーティストが来るから、申しこんだ人が多かったみたい』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <I got tickets the last two years, so I thought I was good to go but...>
|japanese = 『2年続けて当たってたから、 いけると思ってたんだよねー……』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Ena's room.png}}
Line 139:
|character = Ena
|english = <Then just stay home like I said. Don't get desperate and try to organize something on the fly.>
|japanese = 『外れたんなら、大人しく家でゆっくりしたらいいじゃん。 無理に予定作ることないでしょ』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <I know but... My parents left for the holidays to visit my sis living overseas...>
|japanese = 『それはそうなんだけど……。うちの両親、今年の年末年始は 海外に住んでるお姉ちゃんに会いに行っててさ』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <So I have to cook my own dinner and stuff. It's too much of a bother, so I want to go out to eat.>
|japanese = 『家にいてもごはん作るの面倒だし、 どうせなら外で食べたいな~って思ってたんだよね』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Which is why I thought it'd be nice to go out with you guys...>
|japanese = 『だから、ニーゴのみんなで遊べたらいいなって——』
|japanese =
|character = Ena
|english = <Pity that's not going to happen...>
|japanese = 『はいはい、残念でした』
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Are you seriously going to refuse my invite? Don't you want to go hang out together?!>
|japanese = 『えっ、本当に? 本当に行かない!?』
|japanese =
|character = Ena
|english = <Nope.>
|japanese = 『行かない』
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Kanade's room.png}}
Line 175:
|character = Kanade
|english = <Sorry, Mizuki...>
|japanese = 『ごめん』
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Well, I tried...>
|japanese = 『うー、そっかぁ』
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room - Mafuyu's room.png}}
Line 186:
|character = Mafuyu
|english = <I'm logging off now. See you later tonight.>
|japanese = 『じゃあ、落ちるね。 また夕方に』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Laters...>
|japanese = 『……またねー』
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room.png}}
Line 197:
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Well, I failed to get anyone. Is there really no one who can hang out with me tomorrow?)
|japanese = (あーあ、失敗かぁ……。 明日、他に話し相手になってくれそうな人いないかなぁ)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (I guess everybody's already got plans. But N25 seemed like my best bet...)
|japanese = (でも、大晦日は誰も捕まらなそうだな~。 ニーゴのみんななら、って思って誘ったのに)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Sigh...
|japanese = はあ……
{{Dialogue image|Cafe.png}}
Line 215:
|character = Young Girl A
|english = So, did you decide what you're gonna get?
|japanese = ねえねえ、どれ頼むー?
|character = Young Girl B
|english = Oh, this cake looks sooo cute. I'm getting this one!
|japanese = あ、このケーキ可愛くない? 私はこれにしよっかなー
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Sigh... Look at all the happy people having a good time here...)
|japanese = (はあ……。なんとなくカフェに入ってみたけど、 みんな楽しそうだなー)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Man, if only I managed to get a ticket for that show, I'd be having a good time today too...)
|japanese = (あーあ、ボクだってチケットが当たってたら、 今頃は楽しく——)
|japanese =
|character = Young Girl A
|english = Hey, so what are you doing tonight?
|japanese = ねえ。そういえば、お正月ってどうするの?
|japanese =
|character = Young Girl B
|english = I'm going to a New Year's Eve party with friends, and staying over at a friend's house.
|japanese = 私は友達とカウントダウンパーティーするよ。 今日の夜から友達の家に泊まるんだ
|japanese =
|character = Young Girl A
|english = Aww, that sounds nice! You're gonna have a blast!
|japanese = へえ、いいなあ! 盛り上がりそうだね!
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (A New Year's Eve party, huh. I wish I was going to one...)
|japanese = (……カウントダウンパーティーかぁ。おもしろそうだなぁ)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (As much as I'd like to party with N25, Mafuyu's parents seem super strict, while Ena and Kanade don't want to go out at all...)
|japanese = (ニーゴのみんなとできたらいいけど…… まふゆの家は厳しそうだし、 絵名と奏は外出たくないんだよね~)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Hold on a minute. There's a solution to that...!)
|japanese = (……あ。でも、それだったら……!)
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room (day).png}}
Line 266:
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Guys! Listen up! I've got this amazing idea!>
|japanese = 『ねえねえ、みんな! ちょっと提案があるんだけど!』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room (day).png - Ena's room (day).png}}
Line 272:
|character = Ena
|english = <Ugh, not another one. And can you stop shouting into your mic?>
|japanese = 『もう、いきなり何? うるさいんだけど』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Hahaha. Sorry.>
|japanese = 『あはは、ごめんごめん』
{{Dialogue image|Mafuyu's room (day).png - Kanade's room (day).png}}
Line 283:
|character = Mafuyu
|english = <Oh, you're all here already...?>
|japanese = 『……みんな、もう集まってたんだね』
|japanese =
|character = Kanade
|english = <I thought you were going to be late today because of cram school, Yuki?>
|japanese = 『雪。予備校で遅れるんじゃなかったの?』
|japanese =
|character = Mafuyu
|english = <I was but classes ended early.>
|japanese = 『そのはずだったんだけど、予定より早く終わったの』
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room (day).png - Kanade's room (day).png}}
Line 299:
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Perfect timing! I was just about to reveal my super exciting idea!>
|japanese = 『ナイスタイミング! 実は、みんなに提案したいことがあるんだ!』
|japanese =
|character = Kanade
|english = <Idea...?>
|japanese = 『……提案?』
|character = Mizuki
|english = <Yup! Let's have a New Year's Eve Countdown Party!>
|japanese = 『うん! ねえ、みんなで、カウントダウンパーティーやらない?』
|japanese =
{{Story Top}}
{{Chapter Tabs
|base = Sekai's Happy New Year!/Story
|prev = Chapter 2
|next = Chapter 3

Revision as of 04:16, 13 February 2022

Mizuki's Room
Akiyama Mizuki
<K, I tweaked that thing from earlier. What do you think of this version?>
『K、昨日アイディアもらったとこ 直してみたんだけど、どうかな?』
Yoisaki Kanade
<This is much better... Let's go with it.>
『……うん。すごく良くなってる。 これでいこう』
Akiyama Mizuki
<Yay! I'm glad I asked you for feedback.>
『よかったー! Kの意見聞いて正解だったよ!』
Shinonome Ena
<Then why don't we call it a night? We've been working for so long...>
『じゃあ、今日はそろそろお開きにする? だいぶ長いこと作業したし』
Asahina Mafuyu
<Okay. I'm going to log off.>
Yoisaki Kanade
<Alright. I'm staying up a bit longer to work, so you can ping me if you need anything.>
『わかった。わたしはまだ作業してるから、 何かあったら声かけて』
Akiyama Mizuki
<Oh! Guys, before you go...>
『あ! その前にみんな、ちょっといい?』
Yoisaki Kanade
<What is it?>
Akiyama Mizuki
<Are you all busy tomorrow? Because if not, I thought we could meet up and...>
『明日って何か予定ある?  もしヒマだったら、みんなでどこかに遊びに——』
Shinonome Ena
<No thanks.>
Akiyama Mizuki
<Whaaat? Why, Ena?!>
『え~! なんで!?』
Shinonome Ena
<Because it's cold. I don't want to leave my cozy house.>
Yoisaki Kanade
<Same here... My body just stops moving when it's cold.>
『わたしも……。 寒いと、動けなくなるから』
Akiyama Mizuki
<Aww, seriously...?! What about you, Yuki?>
『えー、なにその理由……。 ねえ、雪は?』
Asahina Mafuyu
<Cram school for the holidays. I may even be late logging in here.>
『私は予備校の冬季講習がある。 ここに来るのも、少し遅れるかも』
Akiyama Mizuki
<Yikes, that's pretty rough to have classes while everyone else is on vacation...>
Shinonome Ena
<If you have nothing to do, Mizuki, why don't you just stay at home?>
Yoisaki Kanade
<Didn't you say you're going to a gig or a show for New Year's Eve...?>
『……そういえば、大晦日はライブに行くって 言ってなかった?』
Akiyama Mizuki
<Oh, the anime song countdown event? Unfortunately, I couldn't get tickets...>
『アニソンのカウントダウンライブねー。 実はそれ、外れちゃったんだー』
Akiyama Mizuki
<It wasn't that popular last year but they got some famous singers lined up this year, so tickets sold out fast.>
『去年までそんなに倍率高くなかったんだけど、今年は 有名アーティストが来るから、申しこんだ人が多かったみたい』
Akiyama Mizuki
『2年続けて当たってたから、 いけると思ってたんだよねー……』

Shinonome Ena
<Then just stay home like I said. Don't get desperate and try to organize something on the fly.>
『外れたんなら、大人しく家でゆっくりしたらいいじゃん。 無理に予定作ることないでしょ』

Akiyama Mizuki
『それはそうなんだけど……。うちの両親、今年の年末年始は 海外に住んでるお姉ちゃんに会いに行っててさ』

Akiyama Mizuki
<So I have to cook my own dinner and stuff. It's too much of a bother, so I want to go out to eat.>
『家にいてもごはん作るの面倒だし、 どうせなら外で食べたいな~って思ってたんだよね』

Akiyama Mizuki
<Which is why I thought it'd be nice to go out with you guys...>

Shinonome Ena
<Pity that's not going to happen...>

Akiyama Mizuki
<Are you seriously going to refuse my invite? Don't you want to go hang out together?!>
『えっ、本当に? 本当に行かない!?』

Shinonome Ena

Yoisaki Kanade
<Sorry, Mizuki...>

Akiyama Mizuki
<Well, I tried...>

Asahina Mafuyu
<I'm logging off now. See you later tonight.>
『じゃあ、落ちるね。 また夕方に』

Akiyama Mizuki

Akiyama Mizuki
(Well, I failed to get anyone. Is there really no one who can hang out with me tomorrow?)
(あーあ、失敗かぁ……。 明日、他に話し相手になってくれそうな人いないかなぁ)

Akiyama Mizuki
(I guess everybody's already got plans. But N25 seemed like my best bet...)
(でも、大晦日は誰も捕まらなそうだな~。 ニーゴのみんななら、って思って誘ったのに)

Akiyama Mizuki

The next day - New Year's Eve


Young Girl A
So, did you decide what you're gonna get?

Young Girl B
Oh, this cake looks sooo cute. I'm getting this one!
あ、このケーキ可愛くない? 私はこれにしよっかなー

Akiyama Mizuki
(Sigh... Look at all the happy people having a good time here...)
(はあ……。なんとなくカフェに入ってみたけど、 みんな楽しそうだなー)

Akiyama Mizuki
(Man, if only I managed to get a ticket for that show, I'd be having a good time today too...)
(あーあ、ボクだってチケットが当たってたら、 今頃は楽しく——)

Young Girl A
Hey, so what are you doing tonight?

Young Girl B
I'm going to a New Year's Eve party with friends, and staying over at a friend's house.
私は友達とカウントダウンパーティーするよ。 今日の夜から友達の家に泊まるんだ

Young Girl A
Aww, that sounds nice! You're gonna have a blast!
へえ、いいなあ! 盛り上がりそうだね!

Akiyama Mizuki
(A New Year's Eve party, huh. I wish I was going to one...)

Akiyama Mizuki
(As much as I'd like to party with N25, Mafuyu's parents seem super strict, while Ena and Kanade don't want to go out at all...)
(ニーゴのみんなとできたらいいけど…… まふゆの家は厳しそうだし、 絵名と奏は外出たくないんだよね~)

Akiyama Mizuki
(Hold on a minute. There's a solution to that...!)

Akiyama Mizuki
<Guys! Listen up! I've got this amazing idea!>
『ねえねえ、みんな! ちょっと提案があるんだけど!』

Shinonome Ena
<Ugh, not another one. And can you stop shouting into your mic?>
『もう、いきなり何? うるさいんだけど』

Akiyama Mizuki
<Hahaha. Sorry.>

Asahina Mafuyu
<Oh, you're all here already...?>

Yoisaki Kanade

Asahina Mafuyu

Akiyama Mizuki
<Perfect timing! I was just about to reveal my super exciting idea!>
『ナイスタイミング! 実は、みんなに提案したいことがあるんだ!』

Yoisaki Kanade

Akiyama Mizuki
<Yup! Let's have a New Year's Eve Countdown Party!>
『うん! ねえ、みんなで、カウントダウンパーティーやらない?』

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