Main Story/25-ji, Nightcord de./Chapter 9: Difference between revisions

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Content added Content deleted
(Created page with "{{Chapter tabs |base = Main Story/25-ji, Nightcord de. |prev = Chapter 8 |next = Chapter 10 }} {{Story chapter |image = |chapter = Chapter 9 |english = |japanese = |romaji = |characters = Yoisaki Kanade; Asahina Mafuyu; Shinonome Ena; Akiyama Mizuki; Hatsune Miku (25-ji, Nightcord de.) |translators = glens |sources = [] (glens) }} {{Dialogue options}}")
(yay jp+eng added)
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|image =
|image =
|chapter = Chapter 9
|chapter = Chapter 9
|english =
|english = Even Though I Just Want To Be Myself
|japanese =
|japanese = ボクはボクでいたいのに
|romaji =
|romaji =
|characters = Yoisaki Kanade; Asahina Mafuyu; Shinonome Ena; Akiyama Mizuki; Hatsune Miku (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
|characters = Yoisaki Kanade; Asahina Mafuyu; Shinonome Ena; Akiyama Mizuki; Hatsune Miku (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
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{{Dialogue options}}
{{Dialogue options}}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000301.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|Kamiyama High School 1st Year Group A}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Good morning~ ♪ are you guys doing well?|japanese = おっはよ〜♪ みんな元気ー? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = Hmm? Yo Mizuki! It's been a while! I'm not sure if "good morning" is the right greeting though, since class is already over. What's the matter?
|japanese = あれ? 瑞希じゃん! 久しぶりー! おはようっていうか、もう授業終わってるけど、どうしたの? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = I have to take supplementary classes. My credits are looking real bad so they told me to come. It's reaaally a bother.|japanese = 補講だよー。単位あぶないから来いって言われちゃってさー。 ほんとダル〜い }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = Ahaha, don't worry about it. But well, you're good at studying so it should be over soon, right? See you!|japanese = あはは、ドンマイ。 でも瑞希は勉強できるんだし、サクっと終わるでしょ? 行ってらっしゃーい! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = See you!
*sigh* I don't wanna do this|japanese = は〜い。あーあ、めんどくさいな~ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Teacher |english = Just like this, if you can remember these two theories, you just have to apply it to the problems.|japanese = ……このように、このふたつの定理をしっかり頭に入れるように。 あとは求めたいものに応じて使い分けていけば…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Oh, I see– I somehow solved it with my intuition, but I get it now.|japanese = (あ、なるほどねー。 なんとなくカンで解いてたけど、そういうことだったんだ♪) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Student A |english = ... That one over there, aren't they the one from the rumors? This is the first time I've ever seen them this close.|japanese = ……あの子、うわさの子だよね? 近くで見るの初めて }}
{{Dialogue |character = Student B |english = Me too. Surprised me for a second there. If I didn't know better I probably wouldn't have realized.|japanese = 私も。ちょっとびっくりしちゃった。 知らなかったら気づかないかも }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (... Did they perhaps think nobody would hear that? I could clearly hear them though.)|japanese = (……聞こえてないつもりなのかな。あれ。 バッチリ聞こえてるんだけど) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (.... Well, whatever. I'm used to this.)|japanese = (……ま、いっか。いつものことだし) }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000502.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Supplementary lessons, done! I think I'll drop by somewhere on the way home ~ ♪|japanese = 補講、終ーわーりっ! 帰りどこか寄っていこっかなー♪ }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student A's Voice |english = Yo, I saw that first-year today. Did you see them?|japanese = なぁ、今日、あの1年来てたぞ。見たか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student B's Voice |english = Hmm, that one? I've never seen them before so I wanna see.|japanese = あ、例の? 俺まだ見たことないから見てみたいな }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student A's Voice |english = Seriously, go look at them. You won't know which is which. Also they're really cute.|japanese = マジで見てみろって。どっちかわかんねーから。 あとめちゃくちゃかわいい }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (Hmm... I don't wanna go out now–
But waiting for those guys to go away is a pain...)|japanese = (う~ん……これ出ていきたくないなー。 でも、あいつらがいなくなるまで待つのはめんどいし……) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (*sigh*.
I'm not something for display, though.)|japanese = ……はぁ。 ボクは、見世物じゃないんだけどな }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = Huh, Mizuki? Already done with the lessons, huh?|japanese = あれ? 瑞希。 補講終わったんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = We just finished our club activities, so do you want to go back home together?|japanese = 私達もちょうど部活終わったところなんだ。 一緒に帰らない? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ... Ah, yeah. Sure.|japanese = ……あ、うん。そうだねー }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student A |english = Oooh, here they are! Hey, you're the first-year Akiyama, right?|japanese = あ、いたいた! なあ、1年の暁山だよな? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ... Yeah, I am. What's wrong? Do you need something, senpai?|japanese = ……そうですけどー? 何か用ですか、センパイ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student B |english = We don't really need anything but we're curious about something. Why are you dressed like that?|japanese = 用ってワケじゃないんだけど気になってさ。 暁山ってなんでそんな格好してるわけ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ..........
Hmm? Isn't that obvious?
|japanese = …………。 えー? そんなの決まってるじゃないですか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = It's because I like this kind of look. Just that and nothing more.|japanese = ボクがこの格好、好きだからです。 ただそれだけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Well then, goodbye ~ ♪|japanese = それじゃ、さよーならー♪ }}
{{Dialogue |character = 2nd Year Student A |english = Ah, wait...!|japanese = あ、ちょっと……! }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_c000302.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|Kamiyama Street}}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = That kind of senpai exists, huh. How awful.|japanese = ああいう先輩もいるんだね。 ひどいねー }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Ahaha, I'm already used to it. Even though it has nothing to do with them... Those kind of humans are so annoying, aren't they.|japanese = あはは、もう慣れちゃったよー。 自分に関係ないのに、やたらうるさいんだよねーああいう人達 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = Do tell us if anything happens. We can at least listen.|japanese = 何かあったら言ってね。 私達も話聞くくらいならできるからさ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Yeah, thanks.|japanese = うん。ありがとね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = Well, we're going this way so see ya!|japanese = じゃ、私達こっちだから、またねー }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = See ya!|japanese = またねー }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Alright! I guess I'll go shopping for a bit today to refresh my mind!|japanese = よーし! それじゃ、今日は気晴らしに、 ちょっと買い物してこっかな! }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a001701.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|Shopping Mall}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (Ah, maybe this shop has the eyeliner I was looking for before. Also I'm here anyway so might as well look for other cosmetics too...)|japanese = (あ、前買えなかったアイライナーこっちのお店に置いてるかも。 せっかくだし、他のコスメも見て……) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = Hey, what do you think about this blusher?|japanese = ねー、このチークどうかな? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = I think it's great! It's not too glittery, so seems like we can use it at school.|japanese = いいじゃん。ラメ少なめだから、学校でも使えそう }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = (Hmm? Those two are here too. Are they shopping?)|japanese = (あれ? ふたりもいる。買い物かな?) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Hey...|japanese = ふたりとも…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = By the way, if Mizuki hates being told all sort of things about them, they should at least dress normally to school.|japanese = そういえばさ、瑞希も言われてイヤなら、 学校くらい普通の格好で来ればいいのにね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = I think so too. If you're different from the others, everyone would naturally get curious...|japanese = それは思うなー。 他と違うと、みんなも気になっちゃうしね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate A |english = They're a good person, but they also have that sort of aspect huh.|japanese = いい子だけど、瑞希ってそういうところあるよね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Classmate B |english = I get you. How should I put this, like they can't blend in with everyone else.|japanese = わかるー。みんなに合わせらんないっていうか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ...............|japanese = ………… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ..... Hmm. I see.|japanese = ……ふーん。そっか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = *sigh*, if that's how you think, you shouldn't have said things that make it seem like you understand...|japanese = あーあ、そんな風に思ってるなら、 わかったようなこと言わなくていいのになー }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ...............|japanese = ……………… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = ........... This is so stupid.|japanese = …………本当、くだらない }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = I just want to be myself, though.|japanese = ボクは、ボクでいたいだけなのに }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000501.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = Even though you all want to disappear more than anyone else.|japanese = 誰よりも消えたがってるくせに }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a001701.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = .........|japanese = ………… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Well... She might be right.|japanese = さあ……どーだろね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = But......|japanese = でも…… }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000203.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Amia】 |english = .... Yuki? Are you okay?|japanese = 『……雪? 大丈夫?』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Yuki】 |english = Oh, yeah. I'm okay. I don't really mind those kind of things.|japanese = 『……あ、うん。大丈夫だよ。 私、そういうのあんまり気にならないから』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a001701.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Liar.|japanese = 嘘つき }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Didn't you have it hard too?|japanese = 雪も、ホントは、キツかったんじゃないか }}

{{Chapter tabs
|base = Main Story/25-ji, Nightcord de.
|prev = Chapter 8
|next = Chapter 10

Revision as of 22:25, 26 July 2023

Kamiyama High School 1st Year Group A
Akiyama Mizuki
Good morning~ ♪ are you guys doing well?
おっはよ〜♪ みんな元気ー?
Classmate A
Hmm? Yo Mizuki! It's been a while! I'm not sure if "good morning" is the right greeting though, since class is already over. What's the matter?
あれ? 瑞希じゃん! 久しぶりー! おはようっていうか、もう授業終わってるけど、どうしたの?
Akiyama Mizuki
I have to take supplementary classes. My credits are looking real bad so they told me to come. It's reaaally a bother.
補講だよー。単位あぶないから来いって言われちゃってさー。 ほんとダル〜い
Classmate B
Ahaha, don't worry about it. But well, you're good at studying so it should be over soon, right? See you!
あはは、ドンマイ。 でも瑞希は勉強できるんだし、サクっと終わるでしょ? 行ってらっしゃーい!
Akiyama Mizuki
See you!
*sigh* I don't wanna do this
Just like this, if you can remember these two theories, you just have to apply it to the problems.
……このように、このふたつの定理をしっかり頭に入れるように。 あとは求めたいものに応じて使い分けていけば……
Akiyama Mizuki
Oh, I see– I somehow solved it with my intuition, but I get it now.
(あ、なるほどねー。 なんとなくカンで解いてたけど、そういうことだったんだ♪)
Student A
... That one over there, aren't they the one from the rumors? This is the first time I've ever seen them this close.
……あの子、うわさの子だよね? 近くで見るの初めて
Student B
Me too. Surprised me for a second there. If I didn't know better I probably wouldn't have realized.
私も。ちょっとびっくりしちゃった。 知らなかったら気づかないかも
Akiyama Mizuki
(... Did they perhaps think nobody would hear that? I could clearly hear them though.)
(……聞こえてないつもりなのかな。あれ。 バッチリ聞こえてるんだけど)
Akiyama Mizuki
(.... Well, whatever. I'm used to this.)
Akiyama Mizuki
Supplementary lessons, done! I think I'll drop by somewhere on the way home ~ ♪
補講、終ーわーりっ! 帰りどこか寄っていこっかなー♪
2nd Year Student A's Voice
Yo, I saw that first-year today. Did you see them?
2nd Year Student B's Voice
Hmm, that one? I've never seen them before so I wanna see.
あ、例の? 俺まだ見たことないから見てみたいな
2nd Year Student A's Voice
Seriously, go look at them. You won't know which is which. Also they're really cute.
マジで見てみろって。どっちかわかんねーから。 あとめちゃくちゃかわいい
Akiyama Mizuki
(Hmm... I don't wanna go out now–
But waiting for those guys to go away is a pain...)
(う~ん……これ出ていきたくないなー。 でも、あいつらがいなくなるまで待つのはめんどいし……)
Akiyama Mizuki
I'm not something for display, though.)
……はぁ。 ボクは、見世物じゃないんだけどな
Classmate A
Huh, Mizuki? Already done with the lessons, huh?
あれ? 瑞希。 補講終わったんだ
Classmate B
We just finished our club activities, so do you want to go back home together?
私達もちょうど部活終わったところなんだ。 一緒に帰らない?
Akiyama Mizuki
... Ah, yeah. Sure.
2nd Year Student A
Oooh, here they are! Hey, you're the first-year Akiyama, right?
あ、いたいた! なあ、1年の暁山だよな?
Akiyama Mizuki
... Yeah, I am. What's wrong? Do you need something, senpai?
……そうですけどー? 何か用ですか、センパイ?
2nd Year Student B
We don't really need anything but we're curious about something. Why are you dressed like that?
用ってワケじゃないんだけど気になってさ。 暁山ってなんでそんな格好してるわけ?
Akiyama Mizuki
Hmm? Isn't that obvious?
…………。 えー? そんなの決まってるじゃないですか
Akiyama Mizuki
It's because I like this kind of look. Just that and nothing more.
ボクがこの格好、好きだからです。 ただそれだけ
Akiyama Mizuki
Well then, goodbye ~ ♪
2nd Year Student A
Ah, wait...!
Kamiyama Street
Classmate A
That kind of senpai exists, huh. How awful.
ああいう先輩もいるんだね。 ひどいねー
Akiyama Mizuki
Ahaha, I'm already used to it. Even though it has nothing to do with them... Those kind of humans are so annoying, aren't they.
あはは、もう慣れちゃったよー。 自分に関係ないのに、やたらうるさいんだよねーああいう人達
Classmate A
Do tell us if anything happens. We can at least listen.
何かあったら言ってね。 私達も話聞くくらいならできるからさ
Akiyama Mizuki
Yeah, thanks.
Classmate B
Well, we're going this way so see ya!
Akiyama Mizuki
See ya!
Akiyama Mizuki
Alright! I guess I'll go shopping for a bit today to refresh my mind!
よーし! それじゃ、今日は気晴らしに、 ちょっと買い物してこっかな!
Shopping Mall
Akiyama Mizuki
(Ah, maybe this shop has the eyeliner I was looking for before. Also I'm here anyway so might as well look for other cosmetics too...)
(あ、前買えなかったアイライナーこっちのお店に置いてるかも。 せっかくだし、他のコスメも見て……)
Classmate A
Hey, what do you think about this blusher?
Classmate B
I think it's great! It's not too glittery, so seems like we can use it at school.
Akiyama Mizuki
(Hmm? Those two are here too. Are they shopping?)
(あれ? ふたりもいる。買い物かな?)
Akiyama Mizuki
Classmate A
By the way, if Mizuki hates being told all sort of things about them, they should at least dress normally to school.
そういえばさ、瑞希も言われてイヤなら、 学校くらい普通の格好で来ればいいのにね
Classmate B
I think so too. If you're different from the others, everyone would naturally get curious...
それは思うなー。 他と違うと、みんなも気になっちゃうしね
Classmate A
They're a good person, but they also have that sort of aspect huh.
Classmate B
I get you. How should I put this, like they can't blend in with everyone else.
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
..... Hmm. I see.
Akiyama Mizuki
*sigh*, if that's how you think, you shouldn't have said things that make it seem like you understand...
あーあ、そんな風に思ってるなら、 わかったようなこと言わなくていいのになー
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
........... This is so stupid.
Akiyama Mizuki
I just want to be myself, though.
Even though you all want to disappear more than anyone else.
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
Well... She might be right.
Akiyama Mizuki
.... Yuki? Are you okay?
『……雪? 大丈夫?』
Oh, yeah. I'm okay. I don't really mind those kind of things.
『……あ、うん。大丈夫だよ。 私、そういうのあんまり気にならないから』
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
Didn't you have it hard too?

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