
From Sekaipedia

This is the documentation page for Module:DisplayFunctions

This module contains several display helper functions for the Module:InfoboxBuilder and Module:DatatableBuilder. The only dependency this module has is Module:List; this is required to use list(listType) and is only loaded when needed.

Functions[edit source]

image[edit source]


Pass the desired image size as a parameter when setting it as the display function for a row. When called, this function will return a function that uses the first parameter as the filename.

link[edit source]

When called, this function will use the first parameter as the link.

list[edit source]


Pass the desired type of list as a parameter when setting it as the display function for a row. When called, this function will return a function that turns an array into a list.

Valid list types are:

  • bulleted
  • unbulleted
  • horizontal
  • ordered
  • horizontal_ordered

Examples of these lists can be found on Wikipedia's documentation for Module:List.

trueFalseOther[edit source]

DisplayFunctions.trueFalseOther(trueVal, falseVal, otherVal)

Pass the true value, false value, and value if other as parameters when setting it as the display function for a row. When called, this function will return a function that takes a boolean value and returns the corresponding true, false, or other value.

yesAndNo[edit source]


When called, this function will display "Yes" for true, "No" for false, and nil for everything else. This is a special case of trueFalseOther(trueVal, falseVal, otherVal).

checkAndX[edit source]


When called, this function will display "✓" for true, "✗" for false, and nil for everything else. This is a special case of trueFalseOther(trueVal, falseVal, otherVal).

pluralHeader[edit source]


Pass in a table of grammatical forms (see MediaWiki's documentation on the correct format) as the parameter when setting it as the display function for a row. When called, this function will return a function that selects the correct plurality based on the array passed in as parameter.

minutesAndSeconds[edit source]


When called, this function will format a number (assumed to be seconds) into the "m:ss" format.

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