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This is the documentation page for Module:InfoboxBuilder

Building an infobox

For an infobox to be built without errors, certain essential functions must be called before others. The following table details groups of functions and their priorities. The lower the number, the higher the priority. The functions setHeaderTextColor() and setHeaderBackgroundColor() are not required, but their CSS changes will not be applied if called later. In addition, the functions that add rows to the table, addHeader(), addImage(), and addRow() are not all required, but is it recommended to use at least addHeader() and addRow().

Core function priority
Priority Functions
  • new
  • setParams
  • setArgs
  • processArgs
  • setHeaderTextColor
  • setHeaderBackgroundColor
  • setName
  • addHeader
  • addImage
  • addRow
  • tostring

Import the module

local InfoboxBuilder = require('Module:InfoboxBuilder')

Unpack the frame arguments

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args

Create the infobox object

local infobox =

Set the infobox name

Setting the infobox name sets the template that the infobox links to inside of the navbar.


Define the parameters

When defining the parameters, the arguments will be processed when given a function or table. fn is an optional processing function or table that will transform the raw argument value into a specific format. An optional default value for the raw argument can be set using the default option.

An example of using fn would be to have fn be a function that splits a comma separated list into a table in Lua.

infobox:setParams {

Pass in the arguments


Process the arguments

Processing the arguments will set default value (if it exists) and turn the raw argument passed in from setArgs(args) into a processed format for each parameter. This step is required or else the infobox will not work.


Specify a category map

A category map can be optionally set. This uses the processed argument and generates the correct categories.



Create the look of the infobox by adding headers, images, or rows. If the values shown in these cells use values from parameters, an optional postprocessing function or table fn will transform the processed arguments for display purposes.

-- add a header or subheader

-- add an image

-- add a row


To build the infobox from data into an HTML table, call the tostring() function.


Get the categories from the category map

To get the categories, call the getCategories() function.



For the following functions, assume an InfoboxBuilder object called "infobox" already exists.

local infobox =

Public functions


This function is required.

Creates a new InfoboxBuilder object.


This function is required.
This function is chainable.


arg should be a string. Setting the infobox name will link the navbar to the correct template page and template talk page.


This function is optional.
This function is chainable.


arg should be a string that contains a valid CSS color (hex code, rgb value, hsl value, etc.). Calling this function will change the color of the text in the infobox's headers and subheaders. The changes will not apply to headers added before this function is called, so it is recommended to call this function early.


This function is optional.
This function is chainable.


arg should be a string that contains a valid CSS color (hex code, rgb value, hsl value, etc.). Calling this function will change the background color of the infobox's headers and subheaders. The changes will not apply to headers added before this function is called, so it is recommended to call this function early.


This function is required.
This function is chainable.


This function sets the valid parameters, their default values, and their formatting.

The arguments passed in should be tables of format:

	name = <paramName>,
	fn = <processingFn>,
	default = <default>

paramName should be a valid string that is unique. This name serves the key used to grab the raw values from the args table passed in from setArgs(). It also serves as the key for each parameter and will be referenced later.


processingFn should be a function or a table that transforms the raw value of the argument passed in. This value is optional.

A collection of predefined processing functions can be found at Module:InfoboxBuilderProcessingFunctions.


default should be a string that serves as the default value if no raw value is present for the key in the args table. This value is optional.


This function is required.
This function is chainable.


args should be a table with key value pairs representing parameter names and values.



This function returns the "private" rawArgs associative array containing the raw values passed in from setArgs().



This function returns the "private" procArgs associative array after being processed.



which should be a string that is either "raw" or "processed" for the raw argument values or processed argument values, respectively.

This function returns the "private" rawArgs or procArgs associative arrays depending on the value of which.


This function is optional.
This function is chainable.


catMap should be a table of tables, where the key of the outer table corresponds with a parameter name and the key of the inner tables correspond with possible values of the associated parameter. The inner table values should be the category name related to each parameter value.



This function returns a string with autogenerated categories in wikitext form.


This function is required.
This function is chainable.


This function processes the all the arguments passed in with the given processing functions defined when setting parameters.


This function is optional, but recommended.
This function is chainable.

infobox:addHeader(arg, options)

This functions adds a header or subheader to the infobox, depending on the option set.


arg should be a table of the following format:

	tag = <tag>,
	content = <content>,
    fn = <displayFn>,
	attr = <attr>,
	colspan = <colspan>,
	rowspan = <rowspan>,
	css = <css>

tag should be a string of value "argth" or "th". When tag is set to "argth", the value of content should contain the parameter(s) to get.


When tag is set to "th", the content should contain wikitext that will show up.

When tag is set to "argth", the content should be a string or table of parameter names. This value will be passed into displayFn if it is set.


displayFn should be a function that transforms one or more processed arguments (based on content into something that can be displayed (ex. an HTML list). The order of the parameters in this function is the same as the order of content, if content is a table. This value is optional.

A collection of predefined display functions can be found at Module:InfoboxBuilderDisplayFunctions.


attr should be a table containing HTML attributes. The value gets passed into the mw.html:attr() function. This value is optional.


colspan should be a number or string denoting the number of columns this header spans. This value is optional.


rowspan should be a number or string denoting the number of rows this header spans. This value is optional.


css should be a table of CSS names and values. The value gets passed into the mw.html:css() function. This value is optional.


options should be a table of the following format:

	hideIfEmpty = <hideIfEmpty>,
	subheader = <subheader>

hideIfEmpty should be a table containing strings of parameter names. If all values for those parameters are empty, then the header or subheader is hidden. This value is optional.


subheader should be a boolean denoting whether the header should be a subheader or not. The default value is false. This value is optional.


This function is optional, but recommended.
This function is chainable.

infobox:addImage(cols, options)

This function adds a single image or multiple images inside of a row. For multiple images, it selectively hides all but one image using TabberNeue.


cols should be a table that is a numeric array. Each entry in this table should have the following format:

	tag = <tag>,
	content = <content>,
    fn = <displayFn>,
	tabName = <tabName>

tag should be a string of value "argtd" or "td". When tag is set to "argtd", the value of content should contain the parameter(s) to get. When tag is set to "td", the content should contain wikitext that will show up.


When tag is set to "td", the content should be a string that shows up as wikitext.

When tag is set to "argtd", the content should be a string or table of parameter names. This value will be passed into displayFn if it is set.


tabName should be a string if there are multiple images. The value of this does nothing if there's only one image.


options should be a table of the following format:

	hideIfEmpty = <hideIfEmpty>

hideIfEmpty should be a tablecontaining strings of parameter names. If all values for those parameters are empty, then the image section is hidden. This value is optional.


This function is optional, but recommended.
This function is chainable.

infobox:addRow(cols, options)

This function adds anywhere from 1 to 30 cells to a row. The colspan for each cell is automatically set to be evenly split so that all cells are the same width. The exception is when there are two cells, where the first cell spans 12 columns and the second cell spans 18 cells.

cols should be a table that is a numeric array. Each entry in this table should have the following format:

	tag = <tag>,
	content = <content>,
	attr = <attr>,
	colspan = <colspan>,
	rowspan = <rowspan>,
	css = <css>,
	class = <class>,
	cssFuncs = <cssFuncs>,
	classFuncs = <classFuncs>

tag should be a string of value "argth", "argtd", "th", or "td". When tag is set to "argth" or "argtd", the value of content should contain the parameter to get. When tag is set to "th" or "td", the content should contain wikitext that will show up.

content should be a string. The value of this will serve different purposes depending on the value of tag.

attr should be a table containing HTML attributes. The value gets passed into the mw.html:attr() function. This value is optional.

colspan should be a number or string denoting the number of columns this header spans. This value is optional.

rowspan should be a number or string denoting the number of rows this header spans. This value is optional.

css should be a table of CSS names and values. The value gets passed into the mw.html:css() function. This value is optional.

class should be either a string with a class name or table (numeric array) containing class names. Each class name gets passed into the mw.html:addClass() function. This value is optional.

cssFuncs should be a table of functions. Each function takes the processed value of parameter content as input and should output a valid CSS table. This value only applies to cells with tag "argth" or "argtd". This value is optional.

classFuncs should be a table of functions. Each function takes the processed value of parameter content as input and should output a class name string. This value only applies to cells with tag "argth" or "argtd". This value is optional.

options should be a table of the following format:

	hideIfEmpty = <hideIfEmpty>,
	defaultCss = <defaultCss>

hideIfEmpty should be a table containing strings of parameter names. If all values for those parameters are empty, then the cell is hidden. This value is optional.

defaultCss should be a table of CSS names and values. This CSS applies to all cells in this row. This value is optional.


This function is required.


This function "finishes" the infobox and returns an output HTML table with all styles automatically applied from Template:Infobox/styles.css. In order to generate an infobox, this function must be called.

Private functions

While these are not necessarily "private", these functions are not intended to be called externally.



Gets the content for display for a specified parameter. If the value for a parameter has not been postprocessed, then the dFunc for that parameter, if it exists, will be called.



This is a helper function to tell if a certain cell should be visible depending on the parameter names given. If all values for the parameters given have no value, then a cell should not show.



This function sets up the 30 column layout by inserting an empty row. It also serves as a spacer.



This function adds the navbar at the end of the infobox. This navbar contains links to the template page and the template talk page for this infobox. This uses the page using the value passed in from the setName() function.

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