Module:Infobox item

From Sekaipedia
Revision as of 03:56, 25 January 2022 by ChaoticShadow (talk | contribs) (using new builder)

To generate {{Infobox item}}, invoke using the main function.

-- Module for [[Template:Infobox item]]
local getArgs   = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local builder   = require('Module:InfoboxBuilder new')

local p = {}

local function formatImage(image_name)
	return string.format("[[File:%s|128px]]", image_name)

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local infobox =;
	infobox:setName('Infobox item')
			{ name = 'item name', default = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text },
			{ name = 'image', dFunc = formatImage },
			{ name = 'japanese' },
			{ name = 'romaji' },
			{ name = 'english' },
			{ name = 'description' },
			{ name = 'date' }

		:addHeader({ tag = 'argth', content = 'item name' })
				{ tag = 'argtd', content = 'image' },
				{ tag = 'th', content = 'Japanese' },
				{ tag = 'argtd', content = 'japanese' }
				{ tag = 'th', content = 'Romaji' },
				{ tag = 'argtd', content = 'romaji' }
				{ tag = 'th', content = 'English' },
				{ tag = 'argtd', content = 'english' }
			{ hideIfEmpty = { 'english' } }
		:addHeader({ tag = 'th', content = 'Item Description' }, { subheader = true })
				{ tag = 'argtd', content = 'description', css = { ['text-align'] = 'center' } }
	local categories = ""
	if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then
		categories = "[[Category:Items]]" .. categories

	return infobox:tostring() .. categories

return p
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