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KAMIKOU FESTIVAL!/Story/Chapter 1: Difference between revisions

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Line 22:
|character = Mizuki
|english = Nngh... Yawn...
|japanese = ……んんー。ふわぁ……
|character = Mizuki
|english = What time is it...? Eight? Huh, I woke up earlier than usual.
|japanese = あれ? 今って……8時? いつもより早起きしちゃったなー
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = I finished work early last night, and then... Oh, right... I passed out at my desk.
|japanese = 昨日は思ったより作業が早く終わって、それで……。 あ、そのまま寝落ちしちゃったんだ
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Great, I've got ink stains on my cheek from my notes. What a crummy way to start a new day...
|japanese = って、ほっぺにノートの跡ついてんじゃん! うわー、最悪だー……
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Huh? Who's calling me this early? Oh, it's An.
|japanese = 電話? こんな早くから誰が……って、杏?
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Hey, Mizuki! How's it going? Are you coming to school today?>
|japanese = 『あ、瑞希? 久しぶり! ねえ、今日って学校来ないの?』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = School? But it's Saturday, isn't it?
|japanese = 学校? え、でも今日って土曜日だよね?
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = I knew it... You forgot.
|japanese = 『あー……やっぱり忘れてたか』
|character = Mizuki
|english = Forgot about what? Is something going on today?
|japanese = 忘れてたって何? 今日なんかあったっけ?
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <The School Festival is today!>
|japanese = 『今日はうちの学校の文化祭だよ!』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Oh, yeah... I forgot all about it.
|japanese = あー。文化祭か。 そういえば、そんなのあったねー
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Haha! Classic Mizuki...>
|japanese = 『あはは。もう、瑞希らしいなぁ』
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Our class just finished setting up, so I'm just wandering around. You wanna come? There are food stalls and all sorts of other stuff to do.>
|japanese = 『クラスの準備は終わっちゃってるからやることないけど、 出し物とか模擬店たくさんあるし、顔出してみたら?』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Hmm, I guess I could...
|japanese = へー、それじゃあボクも……
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Oh, but...)
|japanese = (あ、でも……)
{{Dialogue image|Kamiyama_High_School_Class.png}}
Line 98:
|character = Student A
|english = Is that the person you were talking about?
|japanese = ……あの子、うわさの子だよね?
{{Dialogue image|School Corridor (evening).png}}
Line 104:
|character = Student B
|english = I was just a little curious about why you dress the way you do.
|japanese = 暁山ってなんでそんな格好してるわけ?
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Mizuki's room (day).png}}
Line 110:
|character = Mizuki
|english = (I don't really want that kind of attention...)
|japanese = (……また変に注目されて いろいろ言われたら面倒だな)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (I feel bad about disappointing An, but I think I'll pass...)
|japanese = (せっかく誘ってくれた杏には悪いけど、今日は……)
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Oh, and lots of students are wearing funky outfits today. A lot of the second years are in costume for their class shows too. It's really cool!>
|japanese = 『あ、今日は仮装してる子もたくさんいるんだよ。 2年生は演劇やるところ多いから、その衣装もすごくってさ!』
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Unless you wear something really crazy, it's gonna be hard to stand out in this crowd.>
|japanese = 『よっぽど派手なカッコしてないと、 今日の主役になるのは難しいかもね?』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = I see...
|japanese = ……そうなんだ
|character = Mizuki
|english = (That's considerate of her, telling me in an indirect way that it's safe for me to come.)
|japanese = (……杏、ボクに気つかってくれてるな。 『今日なら大丈夫だよ』って)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (I can't really come up with any excuse not to go now...)
|japanese = (それなのにボクがあれこれ引きずるのは、 ちょっとカッコ悪いよね)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = I'll head over then! Can't wait to see all those costumes!
|japanese = そんじゃ、行ってみよっかな! いろんな衣装見られるのもおもしろそうだしね~♪
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = <Great! I'm working my stall until noon, so you can find me in our classroom!>
|japanese = 『じゃあ決まりね! 午前中は店番してるから、教室で待ってるね!』
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Got it. See you soon, and thanks for the invite.
|japanese = わかった。 じゃあ、またあとでねー。ありがと、杏
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = The School Festival, huh...?
|japanese = ……文化祭か……
|character = Mizuki
|english = I haven't been to one since...
|japanese = ちゃんと行くのは——あの時以来かな
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|School Rooftop (Kamikou Flashback).png}}
Line 172:
|character = Mizuki
|english = Yikes, I can't be spacing out now or I'll be late. I better get ready to go...!
|japanese = ……ってボーっとしてたらお昼になっちゃうよね。 早く行く準備しようっと!
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|School Corridor (culture festival).png}}
Line 179:
|character = Mizuki
|english = Hey, An!
|japanese = やっほー、杏!
|character = An
|english = There you are, Mizuki!
|japanese = あ、瑞希! 待ってたよ!
|character = Mizuki
|english = What are you wearing...? Is that a new T-shirt?
|japanese = ……って、何? そのTシャツ
|character = An
|english = Oh, it's our class uniform for the day! We designed it together, so we're all wearing one.
|japanese = ああ、文化祭のクラスTシャツだよ。 クラスのみんなで作って、お揃いで着てるの
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = There's one for you too. Want me to go get it?
|japanese = たしか、瑞希の分もあるよ。 持ってこよっか?
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Nah, I'm good...
|japanese = ……んー、ボクはいいや
|character = Mizuki
|english = There are too many people around to find a private place to get changed anyways...
|japanese = 人多いから、着替えるところ探すのもメンドくさいしね~
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Oh, okay... Well, it's your choice!
|japanese = そう? ま、別にいいけど
|character = An
|english = I just finished up so let's check out the festival!
|japanese = それじゃ、さっそく文化祭まわろ!
|japanese =
{{Dialogue image|Kamiyama_High_School_Courtyard_(culture_festival).png}}
Line 226:
|character = Mizuki
|english = Wow, this place is packed! And there are lots of stalls like you said!
|japanese = へえ、どこも結構賑わってるね~。 杏の言ってたとおり、模擬店もたくさんあるし
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Yup! Our School Festival attracts a lot of the local residents too, see?
|japanese = うん! うちの学校の文化祭って、 一般の来場者も多いみたいだよ?
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Look, they're selling cotton candy over there. It looks so cute! Let's get some!
|japanese = あ、あそこで売ってるわたあめ、すっごくカワイイ~! 買おうよ、杏!
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Okay! Sounds good!
|japanese = いいね! 行こっか!
|character = Mizuki
|english = Phew! That was a lot of stalls. I feel like I'm gonna pop.
|japanese = は~。模擬店、たくさんまわれたね〜。 お腹いっぱい!
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Same here. Wanna go back to the classroom?
|japanese = そうだね。 さて、そろそろクラスのほうにも——
|japanese =
|character = Kohane
|english = Hey, An...!
|japanese = あっ、杏ちゃん……!
|character = An
|english = Kohane, you made it! You said you weren't sure if you could come, so I'd almost given up hope!
|japanese = あ、こはね! 来てくれたんだね。 来られないかもって言ってたから、びっくりしちゃった!
|japanese =
|character = Kohane
|english = Hehe. I didn't know if I'd have time, but I finished up earlier than I thought.
|japanese = えへへ。予定が思ってたより早く終わったの
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Oh, you must be Kohane. An's always talking about you.
|japanese = あ、もしかしてキミって、 杏がいつも話してる小豆沢さん?
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = That's right, she's my unbeatable singing partner♪
|japanese = そう! 私の大事な相棒♪
|character = Kohane
|english = H-Hello there! I'm Kohane Azusawa.
|japanese = は、初めまして……! 小豆沢こはねです
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = I'm Mizuki Akiyama. It's really nice to meet you, Kohane!
|japanese = 初めまして〜。ボクは暁山瑞希だよ。 よろしくね、こはねちゃん!
|japanese =
|character = Kohane
|english = Oh, um. Nice to meet you too...!
|japanese = は、はい、よろしくお願いします……!
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Hey, how about we check stuff out all together?
|japanese = そうだ! せっかくだし、3人で文化祭まわらない?
|japanese =
|character = Kohane
|english = A-All of us...?! Oh... Um...
|japanese = い、一緒に……!? えっと、その……
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Oh...
|japanese = あ……
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Is she getting nervous because I'm here?)
|japanese = もしかしてこはねちゃん、 ボクがいるから緊張してるのかな?)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (She came all this way on her own, so she probably wants to hang out with An.)
|japanese = (わざわざひとりで来たのも、 きっと杏と文化祭まわりたかったからだろうし……)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (In that case...)
|japanese = (それなら——)
|character = Mizuki
|english = Oh, drat! The teacher noticed me. Ever since I missed that test, she's been all over me about taking a make-up...!
|japanese = あ! 今、あっちのほうにいる担任と目ぇ合っちゃった! ボク、受けてなかったテスト受けろって言われてるんだけど、 サボってるんだよね~
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = You two go on ahead. I need to find some place to hide. I'll see you later, An!
|japanese = ボクしばらく隠れてるから、ふたりでまわっててよ! 杏、またあとでね!
|japanese =
|character = An
|english = Wait, what? Mizuki?!
|japanese = え、ちょっと、瑞希!?
|character = Kohane
|english = Shoot, they're gone...
|japanese = 行っちゃった……
{{Dialogue image|School Corridor (culture festival).png}}
Line 347:
|character = Mizuki
|english = Looks like they're not following me. I might as well look around on my own then.
|japanese = ん、追いかけてこないみたいだね。 そんじゃ、ひとりでブラブラしよーっと♪
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Every class seems to be showcasing something different. There are theater performances, movie-inspired shows... What should I see first?)
|japanese = (演劇に、映画に……。 クラスの出し物もいろいろあるんだなあ。 ん~。どれから見てみよっかな)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Although...)
|japanese = (……それにしても)
|character = Mizuki
|english = (Everyone's wearing their class festival T-shirt. I'm gonna stick out like a sore thumb...)
|japanese = (みーんなクラスTシャツ着てるなぁ。 制服のままだと、完全に浮いちゃってるかも?)
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = Not like that's different from any other day...
|japanese = ……でも、ま、浮いてるのは今更かな
|japanese =
|character = ???
|english = Ha ha ha ha ha!!
|japanese = ハーッハッハッハッハッハッハ!!
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = What the...?! Was someone laughing?
|japanese = え!? 何今の。笑い声?
|character = Mizuki
|english = It sounded like it was coming from the empty classroom upstairs.
|japanese = 上にある空き教室からっぽいけど……
|japanese =
|character = Mizuki
|english = I guess I don't have anything better to do. Let's go see what's going on...
|japanese = うん。どーせヒマだし、見に行ってみようっと!
|japanese =
{{Story Top}}

Revision as of 03:14, 9 February 2022

Mizuki's Room
Akiyama Mizuki
Nngh... Yawn...
Akiyama Mizuki
What time is it...? Eight? Huh, I woke up earlier than usual.
あれ? 今って……8時? いつもより早起きしちゃったなー
Akiyama Mizuki
I finished work early last night, and then... Oh, right... I passed out at my desk.
昨日は思ったより作業が早く終わって、それで……。 あ、そのまま寝落ちしちゃったんだ
Akiyama Mizuki
Great, I've got ink stains on my cheek from my notes. What a crummy way to start a new day...
って、ほっぺにノートの跡ついてんじゃん! うわー、最悪だー……
Akiyama Mizuki
Huh? Who's calling me this early? Oh, it's An.
電話? こんな早くから誰が……って、杏?
Shiraishi An
<Hey, Mizuki! How's it going? Are you coming to school today?>
『あ、瑞希? 久しぶり! ねえ、今日って学校来ないの?』
Akiyama Mizuki
School? But it's Saturday, isn't it?
学校? え、でも今日って土曜日だよね?
Shiraishi An
I knew it... You forgot.
Akiyama Mizuki
Forgot about what? Is something going on today?
忘れてたって何? 今日なんかあったっけ?
Shiraishi An
<The School Festival is today!>
Akiyama Mizuki
Oh, yeah... I forgot all about it.
あー。文化祭か。 そういえば、そんなのあったねー
Shiraishi An
<Haha! Classic Mizuki...>
Shiraishi An
<Our class just finished setting up, so I'm just wandering around. You wanna come? There are food stalls and all sorts of other stuff to do.>
『クラスの準備は終わっちゃってるからやることないけど、 出し物とか模擬店たくさんあるし、顔出してみたら?』
Akiyama Mizuki
Hmm, I guess I could...
Akiyama Mizuki
(Oh, but...)
Student A
Is that the person you were talking about?
Student B
I was just a little curious about why you dress the way you do.
Akiyama Mizuki
(I don't really want that kind of attention...)
(……また変に注目されて いろいろ言われたら面倒だな)
Akiyama Mizuki
(I feel bad about disappointing An, but I think I'll pass...)
Shiraishi An
<Oh, and lots of students are wearing funky outfits today. A lot of the second years are in costume for their class shows too. It's really cool!>
『あ、今日は仮装してる子もたくさんいるんだよ。 2年生は演劇やるところ多いから、その衣装もすごくってさ!』
Shiraishi An
<Unless you wear something really crazy, it's gonna be hard to stand out in this crowd.>
『よっぽど派手なカッコしてないと、 今日の主役になるのは難しいかもね?』
Akiyama Mizuki
I see...
Akiyama Mizuki
(That's considerate of her, telling me in an indirect way that it's safe for me to come.)
(……杏、ボクに気つかってくれてるな。 『今日なら大丈夫だよ』って)
Akiyama Mizuki
(I can't really come up with any excuse not to go now...)
(それなのにボクがあれこれ引きずるのは、 ちょっとカッコ悪いよね)
Akiyama Mizuki
I'll head over then! Can't wait to see all those costumes!
そんじゃ、行ってみよっかな! いろんな衣装見られるのもおもしろそうだしね~♪
Shiraishi An
<Great! I'm working my stall until noon, so you can find me in our classroom!>
『じゃあ決まりね! 午前中は店番してるから、教室で待ってるね!』
Akiyama Mizuki
Got it. See you soon, and thanks for the invite.
わかった。 じゃあ、またあとでねー。ありがと、杏
Akiyama Mizuki
The School Festival, huh...?
Akiyama Mizuki
I haven't been to one since...
Akiyama Mizuki
Yikes, I can't be spacing out now or I'll be late. I better get ready to go...!
……ってボーっとしてたらお昼になっちゃうよね。 早く行く準備しようっと!
Kamiyama High School - School Festival Day
Akiyama Mizuki
Hey, An!
Shiraishi An
There you are, Mizuki!
あ、瑞希! 待ってたよ!
Akiyama Mizuki
What are you wearing...? Is that a new T-shirt?
……って、何? そのTシャツ
Shiraishi An
Oh, it's our class uniform for the day! We designed it together, so we're all wearing one.
ああ、文化祭のクラスTシャツだよ。 クラスのみんなで作って、お揃いで着てるの
Shiraishi An
There's one for you too. Want me to go get it?
たしか、瑞希の分もあるよ。 持ってこよっか?
Akiyama Mizuki
Nah, I'm good...
Akiyama Mizuki
There are too many people around to find a private place to get changed anyways...
Shiraishi An
Oh, okay... Well, it's your choice!
そう? ま、別にいいけど
Shiraishi An
I just finished up so let's check out the festival!
Kamiyama High School - Courtyard
Akiyama Mizuki
Wow, this place is packed! And there are lots of stalls like you said!
へえ、どこも結構賑わってるね~。 杏の言ってたとおり、模擬店もたくさんあるし
Shiraishi An
Yup! Our School Festival attracts a lot of the local residents too, see?
うん! うちの学校の文化祭って、 一般の来場者も多いみたいだよ?
Akiyama Mizuki
Look, they're selling cotton candy over there. It looks so cute! Let's get some!
あ、あそこで売ってるわたあめ、すっごくカワイイ~! 買おうよ、杏!
Shiraishi An
Okay! Sounds good!
いいね! 行こっか!
Akiyama Mizuki
Phew! That was a lot of stalls. I feel like I'm gonna pop.
は~。模擬店、たくさんまわれたね〜。 お腹いっぱい!
Shiraishi An
Same here. Wanna go back to the classroom?
そうだね。 さて、そろそろクラスのほうにも——
Azusawa Kohane
Hey, An...!
Shiraishi An
Kohane, you made it! You said you weren't sure if you could come, so I'd almost given up hope!
あ、こはね! 来てくれたんだね。 来られないかもって言ってたから、びっくりしちゃった!
Azusawa Kohane
Hehe. I didn't know if I'd have time, but I finished up earlier than I thought.
Akiyama Mizuki
Oh, you must be Kohane. An's always talking about you.
あ、もしかしてキミって、 杏がいつも話してる小豆沢さん?
Shiraishi An
That's right, she's my unbeatable singing partner♪
そう! 私の大事な相棒♪
Azusawa Kohane
H-Hello there! I'm Kohane Azusawa.
は、初めまして……! 小豆沢こはねです
Akiyama Mizuki
I'm Mizuki Akiyama. It's really nice to meet you, Kohane!
初めまして〜。ボクは暁山瑞希だよ。 よろしくね、こはねちゃん!
Azusawa Kohane
Oh, um. Nice to meet you too...!
Shiraishi An
Hey, how about we check stuff out all together?
そうだ! せっかくだし、3人で文化祭まわらない?
Azusawa Kohane
A-All of us...?! Oh... Um...
い、一緒に……!? えっと、その……
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
(Is she getting nervous because I'm here?)
もしかしてこはねちゃん、 ボクがいるから緊張してるのかな?)
Akiyama Mizuki
(She came all this way on her own, so she probably wants to hang out with An.)
(わざわざひとりで来たのも、 きっと杏と文化祭まわりたかったからだろうし……)
Akiyama Mizuki
(In that case...)
Akiyama Mizuki
Oh, drat! The teacher noticed me. Ever since I missed that test, she's been all over me about taking a make-up...!
あ! 今、あっちのほうにいる担任と目ぇ合っちゃった! ボク、受けてなかったテスト受けろって言われてるんだけど、 サボってるんだよね~
Akiyama Mizuki
You two go on ahead. I need to find some place to hide. I'll see you later, An!
ボクしばらく隠れてるから、ふたりでまわっててよ! 杏、またあとでね!
Shiraishi An
Wait, what? Mizuki?!
Azusawa Kohane
Shoot, they're gone...
Akiyama Mizuki
Looks like they're not following me. I might as well look around on my own then.
ん、追いかけてこないみたいだね。 そんじゃ、ひとりでブラブラしよーっと♪
Akiyama Mizuki
(Every class seems to be showcasing something different. There are theater performances, movie-inspired shows... What should I see first?)
(演劇に、映画に……。 クラスの出し物もいろいろあるんだなあ。 ん~。どれから見てみよっかな)
Akiyama Mizuki
Akiyama Mizuki
(Everyone's wearing their class festival T-shirt. I'm gonna stick out like a sore thumb...)
(みーんなクラスTシャツ着てるなぁ。 制服のままだと、完全に浮いちゃってるかも?)
Akiyama Mizuki
Not like that's different from any other day...
Ha ha ha ha ha!!
Akiyama Mizuki
What the...?! Was someone laughing?
え!? 何今の。笑い声?
Akiyama Mizuki
It sounded like it was coming from the empty classroom upstairs.
Akiyama Mizuki
I guess I don't have anything better to do. Let's go see what's going on...

Template:Story Top

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