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Main Story/25-ji, Nightcord de./Chapter 8: Difference between revisions

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{{Dialogue options}}
{{Dialogue options}}

{{Dialogue image|bg_e000102.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|奏の部屋}}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = Wait, Yuki…!|japanese = 待って、雪……! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = …Huh? My room…? |japanese = ……え? わたしの部屋……? }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000108.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “K! Hey, K! …Kanade!
Are you okay?!”|japanese = 『K! ねえ、K! ……奏! 大丈夫!?』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000409.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “K, are you there?! If you’re back, then say something!”|japanese = 『K、いるの!? 戻ってたら答えてよ!』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000102.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “...You two…?” |japanese = 『……ふたりとも……?』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000108.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “K! I’m so glad…!”|japanese = 『K! 良かった……!』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000409.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “Haah… Well, for now, everyone’s come back in one piece.
Thank god~”|japanese = 『はぁ……。とりあえず、みんな無事に帰ってこれたんだね。 よかった~』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “But what on earth even happened to us?
After Miku touched me, I found myself back here all of a sudden…”|japanese = 『でも、私達一体何されたの? ミクに触られたら、いつの間にかここに戻ってたけど……』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “Yeah. And what even was that Sekai place?
Miku said some strange things— and Yuki did, too…”|japanese = 『うん。それになんだったんだろう、あのセカイって場所。 ミクは変なこと言うし、雪も……』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000501.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = Because the truth is,
K, and Enanan, and Amia——
you all want to disappear more than anyone else on this Earth.|japanese = だって本当は、 Kも、えななんも、Amiaも—— 誰よりも消えたがってるくせに }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000409.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “...Honestly, what’s wrong with her? That Yuki.” |japanese = 『……ほんと、なんなの? 雪のヤツ』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “Hiding the fact that she was OWN,
making me look like an idiot…!”|japanese = 『自分がOWNだってこと隠して、 こっちのこと馬鹿にして……!』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “I look like a complete idiot for going on and on about how amazing she was!!”|japanese = 『すごいって言ってた私が馬鹿みたいじゃない!!』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “W-Well, we don’t really know if she was making fun of you, do we?
…But…” |japanese = 『ば、馬鹿にしてたかはわかんないじゃん? ……でも』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “I didn’t know… Yuki was that kind of person.”|japanese = 『雪って……あんな子だったんだね』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “Well, I guess you really can’t know a person just by talking to them online, huhh~ Ahaha.”|japanese = 『やっぱボイチャだけじゃ性格わかんないもんだね〜。あはは』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “...Yeah, I’m not laughing.” |japanese = 『……全然笑えないんだけど』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “But more than that, what should we do now?
In that state, it really doesn’t look like Yuki’s gonna come back…”|japanese = 『にしても、これからどうしよっか? あの調子じゃ、雪は戻ってこなさそうだけど……』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000102.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “…………”|japanese = 『…………』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “It wasn’t enough… huh…”|japanese = 『足りなかった……か』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000108.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “Huh? K, did you say something?”|japanese = 『え? K、何か言った?』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “…………No, it’s fine.”|japanese = 『…………ううん』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000409.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “…Oh well, why don’t we just leave this case open for today?
So many things have happened, I’m sure we’re all exhausted.”|japanese = 『……ま、今日はもうお開きにしようか。 色々ありすぎて疲れたし』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “What we should do about Yuki, or what we should do in general… we can give it another think tomorrow.”|japanese = 『雪のこととか、これからのことは、また明日考えればいいよ』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “There’s no need to waste our time on that jerk.
She said herself that she’s going to be working on her own,
so there’s no way she’s gonna come back in the first place!”|japanese = 『あんなヤツのこと、もう考える必要ないでしょ。 だいたい、本人がひとりでやるって言ってるんだから、 もう戻ってくるわけないじゃない!』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “Because even on her own… she can already make those kinds of videos…” |japanese = 『雪は……ひとりでもあんな作品、作れるんだから……』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = “Now, now, we’ll leave that for another time. If we’re feeling better tomorrow, we’ll talk about it then!
Well then, seee ya ♪”|japanese = 『まあまあ。そのへんもまた明日、冷静になったら話そ! それじゃ、じゃーねー♪』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000102.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “………………”|japanese = 『………………』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000501.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = When I first heard K’s songs, I felt like, even just a bit, they had saved me.|japanese = 初めてKの曲を聴いた時は、少しだけ、救われたような気がした }}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = But… that wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t able to find it.|japanese = でも……それじゃ足りなかった。 見つけられなかった }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000102.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Kanade |english = “……Sorry, I’m gonna go, too.”|japanese = 『………………ごめん、私も落ちる』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000303.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = “Aah…”|japanese = 『あ……』 }}
{{Dialogue scene|絵名の部屋}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = ………………|japanese = ……………… }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000501.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = …No reason. I just didn’t see any need to tell you, so I didn’t. |japanese = ……別に。言う必要がなかったから、言わなかっただけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = Because when I’m not Yuki, I have nothing I want to say to you.|japanese = 雪じゃない私は、あなたと話したいことなんてないから }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000303.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …Hah. What the hell… |japanese = ……はっ。何なの、それ…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …Because when you have the talent to write songs like that,
you have no interest in average people…?|japanese = ……あんな曲が書ける才能があれば、 凡人には興味ないってわけ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Because when you can get over 200,000 plays per song, all on your own…
you don’t need us anymore…?|japanese = たったひとりで20万再生稼げるから、 もう、私達はいらないってこと? }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_h000308.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Yuki】 |english = “They’re kind, delicate, but just that tiny bit lonely…
I thought that they were lovely paintings.”|japanese = 『優しくて、繊細で、でもちょっぴり寂しそうで……。 素敵な絵だなって思った』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Enanan】 |english = “...Really?”|japanese = 『……ほんと?』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Yuki】 |english = “Yes. I really do love your art, Enanan.”|japanese = 『うん。私はえななんの絵、好きだよ』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = 【Enanan】 |english = “...I see. Thank you, Yuki.”|japanese = 『……そう。ありがと、雪』 }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000303.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …So you were… making fun of me... |japanese = ……馬鹿に……しやがって…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = When you never… you never actually…
cared about any of my drawings at all…!!
|japanese = 私の……私の絵になんか…… 本当は興味、なかったくせに……!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …………|japanese = …………っ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = I’ll draw… I’ll draw and I’ll draw and I’ll catch up to you…
And I’ll make you look just as stupid as you made me feel… Trust me…!|japanese = 描いてやる……。描いて……追いついて…… 馬鹿にされた分、見返してやる…………絶対に……! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …This isn’t working.
I had the perspective right, and I was sure that this sketch wouldn’t be a failure… |japanese = ……ダメ。 パースはとれてるし、デッサンも破綻してないはずなのに…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = This painting… doesn’t look any good at all… |japanese = 全然、良い絵にならない…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = No… this isn’t it…
It’s not working… it’s not working…!|japanese = 違う……こんなんじゃない……。 違う、違う……! }}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = …Ena. You’re still awake. |japanese = ……絵名。まだ起きてるのか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Wha… |japanese = なっ…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = You…
Just because you’re my dad, you think you can just come into my room whenever you want to?!|japanese = ちょっと…… 親だからって勝手に部屋のぞいていいと思ってんの!? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena's Father |english = I was just wondering whether you’d forgotten to turn off your lights.|japanese = 明かりを消し忘れたのかと思っただけだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena's Father |english = What have you been doing up so late…
Ahh, so you’re drawing again, are you?|japanese = こんな遅くまで何を……、 ああ、また絵を描いていたのか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …So what if I am? |japanese = ……だったら何? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Does it gross you out to see your talentless daughter draw, Mr. Art Prodigy?|japanese = 天才画家は、才能のない娘が絵を描いてると不快? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena's Father |english = No, do whatever you’d like.|japanese = いや、好きにすればいい }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena's Father |english = Anyone has the freedom to draw.
No one’s saying that you can’t draw unless you have talent.|japanese = 誰にでも絵を描く自由はある。 才能がなければ描いてはいけないなんてことはない }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = ……! Get out!!|japanese = ……っ! 出てって!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Why? …Why would you...?!|japanese = なんで! ……なんでよっ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Every single one of them…!
They think they can just make me look like an idiot because they’ve all got talent!!|japanese = どいつもこいつも……! 才能があるからって、馬鹿にしやがって!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = They’re all… making fun of me…!!|japanese = 私のこと……馬鹿にして……!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = Oi, just what time do you think it is to be making such a ruckus, Ena?
…Dad, again? |japanese = おい、夜中にギャーギャーうるせえぞ絵名。 ……また親父か? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Shut up!
This has nothing to do with you, Akito! Get out!|japanese = うるさい! 彰人は関係ないでしょ!? 出てって! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = Aaah, yeah, yeah.
Like you should be the one telling me to shut up… |japanese = あーはいはい。 ったく、どっちがうるせえんだよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = …Feel free to keep drawing, but make sure you get some sleep.|japanese = ……描くのもいいけど、ちゃんと寝ろよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …...Haah…...haah… |japanese = …………はぁっ……はぁっ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …I have to keep drawing. If I draw and draw and draw, then even I… |japanese = ……描かなきゃ。描いて、描いて、描いたら、私だって…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Then even I… even I could…!!|japanese = 私だって……私だって……!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Then I… I…… could I… |japanese = 私……私は…………私、には…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = ………...could I really…...make something that good…?|japanese = ………………あんなすごい作品…………本当に、作れるの……? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = ……I… |japanese = …………私は…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = The tags… It doesn’t really matter… “selfie”... |japanese = タグ……なんでもいいや……自発で…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Social Media Comment |english = “Enanan’s looking cute as always today~!”|japanese = 『えななん今日もめっちゃかわいい~!』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Social Media Comment |english = “So cute,,, Love it,,,” |japanese = 『かわ、、、すき、、、』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Social Media Comment |english = “You’re so cute you made me make a weird sound”|japanese = 『可愛すぎて変な声出た』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …Ahaha. The comments are coming in already. |japanese = ……あはは。コメント、すぐついた }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = It’s nice. Everyone’s version of me is so simple… |japanese = みんな、こんな簡単に私のこと見てくれる…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = ………………|japanese = ……………… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = I’m so sick of this… why can’t I… |japanese = もういや……どうして私…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …I have to keep drawing… I know I have to keep drawing, but… |japanese = ……描かなきゃ……描かなくちゃいけないのに…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Why can’t I just… Why is it so hard… |japanese = どうして、こんなんになっちゃうんだろう…… }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000501.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = ??? |english = You all want to disappear more than anyone else on this Earth.|japanese = 誰よりも消えたがってるくせに }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_e000303.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = …Yeah. You’re right. I just… want to disappear, and never come back… |japanese = ……そう。そうだよ。もう、ずっと消えたいよ…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Ena |english = Why… do you have to be the one who knows that…?|japanese = なんで、あんたがわかっちゃうの……? }}

Revision as of 09:14, 25 July 2023

Yoisaki Kanade
Wait, Yuki…!
Yoisaki Kanade
…Huh? My room…?
……え? わたしの部屋……?
Shinonome Ena
“K! Hey, K! …Kanade!
Are you okay?!”
『K! ねえ、K! ……奏! 大丈夫!?』
Akiyama Mizuki
“K, are you there?! If you’re back, then say something!”
『K、いるの!? 戻ってたら答えてよ!』
Yoisaki Kanade
“...You two…?”
Shinonome Ena
“K! I’m so glad…!”
『K! 良かった……!』
Akiyama Mizuki
“Haah… Well, for now, everyone’s come back in one piece.
Thank god~”
『はぁ……。とりあえず、みんな無事に帰ってこれたんだね。 よかった~』
Shinonome Ena
“But what on earth even happened to us?
After Miku touched me, I found myself back here all of a sudden…”
『でも、私達一体何されたの? ミクに触られたら、いつの間にかここに戻ってたけど……』
Akiyama Mizuki
“Yeah. And what even was that Sekai place?
Miku said some strange things— and Yuki did, too…”
『うん。それになんだったんだろう、あのセカイって場所。 ミクは変なこと言うし、雪も……』
Because the truth is,
K, and Enanan, and Amia——
you all want to disappear more than anyone else on this Earth.
だって本当は、 Kも、えななんも、Amiaも—— 誰よりも消えたがってるくせに
Shinonome Ena
“...Honestly, what’s wrong with her? That Yuki.”
『……ほんと、なんなの? 雪のヤツ』
Shinonome Ena
“Hiding the fact that she was OWN,
making me look like an idiot…!”
『自分がOWNだってこと隠して、 こっちのこと馬鹿にして……!』
Shinonome Ena
“I look like a complete idiot for going on and on about how amazing she was!!”
Akiyama Mizuki
“W-Well, we don’t really know if she was making fun of you, do we?
『ば、馬鹿にしてたかはわかんないじゃん? ……でも』
Akiyama Mizuki
“I didn’t know… Yuki was that kind of person.”
Akiyama Mizuki
“Well, I guess you really can’t know a person just by talking to them online, huhh~ Ahaha.”
Shinonome Ena
“...Yeah, I’m not laughing.”
Akiyama Mizuki
“But more than that, what should we do now?
In that state, it really doesn’t look like Yuki’s gonna come back…”
『にしても、これからどうしよっか? あの調子じゃ、雪は戻ってこなさそうだけど……』
Yoisaki Kanade
Yoisaki Kanade
“It wasn’t enough… huh…”
Shinonome Ena
“Huh? K, did you say something?”
『え? K、何か言った?』
Yoisaki Kanade
“…………No, it’s fine.”
Akiyama Mizuki
“…Oh well, why don’t we just leave this case open for today?
So many things have happened, I’m sure we’re all exhausted.”
『……ま、今日はもうお開きにしようか。 色々ありすぎて疲れたし』
Akiyama Mizuki
“What we should do about Yuki, or what we should do in general… we can give it another think tomorrow.”
Shinonome Ena
“There’s no need to waste our time on that jerk.
She said herself that she’s going to be working on her own,
so there’s no way she’s gonna come back in the first place!”
『あんなヤツのこと、もう考える必要ないでしょ。 だいたい、本人がひとりでやるって言ってるんだから、 もう戻ってくるわけないじゃない!』
Shinonome Ena
“Because even on her own… she can already make those kinds of videos…”
Akiyama Mizuki
“Now, now, we’ll leave that for another time. If we’re feeling better tomorrow, we’ll talk about it then!
Well then, seee ya ♪”
『まあまあ。そのへんもまた明日、冷静になったら話そ! それじゃ、じゃーねー♪』
Yoisaki Kanade
When I first heard K’s songs, I felt like, even just a bit, they had saved me.
But… that wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t able to find it.
でも……それじゃ足りなかった。 見つけられなかった
Yoisaki Kanade
“……Sorry, I’m gonna go, too.”
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
…No reason. I just didn’t see any need to tell you, so I didn’t.
Because when I’m not Yuki, I have nothing I want to say to you.
Shinonome Ena
…Hah. What the hell…
Shinonome Ena
…Because when you have the talent to write songs like that,
you have no interest in average people…?
……あんな曲が書ける才能があれば、 凡人には興味ないってわけ?
Shinonome Ena
Because when you can get over 200,000 plays per song, all on your own…
you don’t need us anymore…?
たったひとりで20万再生稼げるから、 もう、私達はいらないってこと?
“They’re kind, delicate, but just that tiny bit lonely…
I thought that they were lovely paintings.”
『優しくて、繊細で、でもちょっぴり寂しそうで……。 素敵な絵だなって思った』
“Yes. I really do love your art, Enanan.”
“...I see. Thank you, Yuki.”
Shinonome Ena
…So you were… making fun of me...
Shinonome Ena
When you never… you never actually…
cared about any of my drawings at all…!!
私の……私の絵になんか…… 本当は興味、なかったくせに……!!
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
I’ll draw… I’ll draw and I’ll draw and I’ll catch up to you…
And I’ll make you look just as stupid as you made me feel… Trust me…!
描いてやる……。描いて……追いついて…… 馬鹿にされた分、見返してやる…………絶対に……!
Shinonome Ena
…This isn’t working.
I had the perspective right, and I was sure that this sketch wouldn’t be a failure…
……ダメ。 パースはとれてるし、デッサンも破綻してないはずなのに……
Shinonome Ena
This painting… doesn’t look any good at all…
Shinonome Ena
No… this isn’t it…
It’s not working… it’s not working…!
違う……こんなんじゃない……。 違う、違う……!
…Ena. You’re still awake.
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
Just because you’re my dad, you think you can just come into my room whenever you want to?!
ちょっと…… 親だからって勝手に部屋のぞいていいと思ってんの!?
Ena's Father
I was just wondering whether you’d forgotten to turn off your lights.
Ena's Father
What have you been doing up so late…
Ahh, so you’re drawing again, are you?
こんな遅くまで何を……、 ああ、また絵を描いていたのか
Shinonome Ena
…So what if I am?
Shinonome Ena
Does it gross you out to see your talentless daughter draw, Mr. Art Prodigy?
Ena's Father
No, do whatever you’d like.
Ena's Father
Anyone has the freedom to draw.
No one’s saying that you can’t draw unless you have talent.
誰にでも絵を描く自由はある。 才能がなければ描いてはいけないなんてことはない
Shinonome Ena
……! Get out!!
……っ! 出てって!!
Shinonome Ena
Why? …Why would you...?!
なんで! ……なんでよっ!
Shinonome Ena
Every single one of them…!
They think they can just make me look like an idiot because they’ve all got talent!!
どいつもこいつも……! 才能があるからって、馬鹿にしやがって!!
Shinonome Ena
They’re all… making fun of me…!!
Shinonome Akito
Oi, just what time do you think it is to be making such a ruckus, Ena?
…Dad, again?
おい、夜中にギャーギャーうるせえぞ絵名。 ……また親父か?
Shinonome Ena
Shut up!
This has nothing to do with you, Akito! Get out!
うるさい! 彰人は関係ないでしょ!? 出てって!
Shinonome Akito
Aaah, yeah, yeah.
Like you should be the one telling me to shut up…
あーはいはい。 ったく、どっちがうるせえんだよ
Shinonome Akito
…Feel free to keep drawing, but make sure you get some sleep.
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
…I have to keep drawing. If I draw and draw and draw, then even I…
Shinonome Ena
Then even I… even I could…!!
Shinonome Ena
Then I… I…… could I…
Shinonome Ena
………...could I really…...make something that good…?
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
The tags… It doesn’t really matter… “selfie”...
Social Media Comment
“Enanan’s looking cute as always today~!”
Social Media Comment
“So cute,,, Love it,,,”
Social Media Comment
“You’re so cute you made me make a weird sound”
Shinonome Ena
…Ahaha. The comments are coming in already.
Shinonome Ena
It’s nice. Everyone’s version of me is so simple…
Shinonome Ena
Shinonome Ena
I’m so sick of this… why can’t I…
Shinonome Ena
…I have to keep drawing… I know I have to keep drawing, but…
Shinonome Ena
Why can’t I just… Why is it so hard…
You all want to disappear more than anyone else on this Earth.
Shinonome Ena
…Yeah. You’re right. I just… want to disappear, and never come back…
Shinonome Ena
Why… do you have to be the one who knows that…?
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