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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha - Tenma Saki - Reprint
Japanese[復刻][天馬咲希]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ
Romaji[Fukkoku][Tenma Saki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha
Gacha Information
Gacha ID508
Start date2024/05/09, 00:00 JST
End date2024/05/15, 23:59 JST
Gacha typeBirthday
Has pity?No
  • Crystals
  • Paid crystals

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha - Tenma Saki - Reprint ([復刻][天馬咲希]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ, [Fukkoku][Tenma Saki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha) is a gacha celebrating Tenma Saki's birthday. It is a rerun of 2022's HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha - Tenma Saki.

Gacha rates[edit | edit source]

Rarity Rate

Rate up cards[edit | edit source]

IDThumbnailCard nameCharacterStatusSkill
427Happy Birthday!!Tenma SakiBirthday limitedBirthday scorer

Gacha pool[edit | edit source]

2☆[edit | edit source]

3☆[edit | edit source]

Birthday[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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