Translation: Marumain
Location: Phoenix Wonderland Wonder Stage
Okay, now for a little greeting practice before showtime.
I have done this many times before for surprise performances on short notice, so it is quite easy for me.
こういうのはゲリラパフォーマンスで 何度もやっているから結構得意なんだよ
If we are taking the time to practice, perhaps rehearsing the closing remarks would make for time better spent.
だから、どうせ練習するなら 締めの挨拶のほうがよかったな
After all, finishing surprise performances to warrant closing remarks is not all that common.
ゲリラパフォーマンスは 最後までできることの方が少ないからねえ
...Hmm? Ah, yes. Let's begin.
……ん? ああ、はいはい。始めるとも
Welcome, one and all, to the Wonder Stage!
I am Kamishiro Rui, stage director and performer for Wonderlands×Showtime.
ワンダーランズ×ショウタイムで 演出家兼役者を努めている、神代類と申します
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Fufu...
Our stage shows feature more than just human performers.
Our performers also come in the form of robots, drones, and other machines not commonly seen at stage shows.
ロボットやドローンなど、 珍しい、機械仕掛けの役者たちも登場します
Furthermore, thanks to a variety of other mechanisms, the setting of our stage shows can change from morning to night, like magic.
他にも、仕掛けは様々。 魔法のようにステージは朝となり夜となり——
We at Wonderlands×Showtime will guide each and every one of you to a wonderland of our creation where plenty of surprises await you.
いずれ皆様は、ワンダーランズ×ショウタイムがつくりあげる 驚きのワンダーランドへ導かれることでしょう!
Fufu. What kind of world awaits you at the end of our journey? You will have to wait and see with baited breath.
フフ。行き着く先はどんな世界か……。 最後まで、どうぞお楽しみください
...Mmhmm. So how will that do as a pre-show greeting?
……ふむ。 開演前の挨拶としてはこんなものだろうか
We should also include something to make the audience gasp in amazement when describing our machine performers and wonderland creations.
あとは『仕掛け』や 『驚きのワンダーランド』のセリフで、 みんながアッと驚くような演出を入れたいね
You suggest we soar across the sky and include explosions for those parts, Tsukasa-kun.
そうだ司くん。 ちょっと空を飛んだり、爆発してみたりしないかい?
Fascinating ideas... I will have to consult about the soaring across the sky part, but am afraid explosion effects may prove impossible...
なるほど……。 空を飛ぶのは要相談で爆発はNGと……
Think nothing of it. If taking flight is your heart's desire, then we shall have it done.
それでもかまわないよ。 やってほしかったのは、飛んでもらう方だからね
However, if it is only you taking to the sky, Tsukasa-kun, it would not leave much of an impact on our audience...
でも、司くんだけだと、 まだインパクトが足りないかな
Mmhmm. How about we have NeneRobo accompany you in the air? I can have jet engines attached to her feet...
ふむ。ネネロボも飛んでもらうというのはどうだろう。 足にジェットをつけて……
What do you say, Nene?
どうだい? 寧々
...You do not wish to do anything that might put NeneRobo in harm's way, you say?
It gives me great pleasure as her creator to see you treasure her so much.
そんなに大事にしてもらえているとは、 製作者冥利に尽きるというものだよ
Well then, I suppose Tsukasa-kun will have to make do alone.
Oh, I must beg your pardon. Even if something is not perfect, it is no cause for concern.
おっと、これは失礼。 物足りなさはあっても、不満なんてないよ
So then, now that we are all finally working together, let us put on the most fabulous show possible.
さて、せっかく協力してもらうんだから、 素晴らしいショーにしなくてはね
Fufu, I hope you look forward to it.