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Proseka NEXT (プロセカNEXT) is a recurring song contest where the winner of each contest gets their song added to Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE!, a ¥50,000 Amazon gift certificate code, and a certificate.
Contests[edit | edit source]
Contest | Theme | Application period | Implementation date | Winning song |
1st Song Contest | A song that makes you excited | October 1, 2020 17:00 - November 30, 2020 17:00 | February 2021 | Brand New Day |
2nd Song Contest | A song that you want to listen to in Spring | December 1, 2020 17:00 - January 31, 2020 17:00 | April 2021 | Hana o Utau |
3rd Song Contest | Free / no theme | February 1, 2021 17:00 - March 31, 2021 17:00 | June 2021 | Utakata Mirai |
4th Song Contest | Pop song | April 1, 2021 17:00 - May 31, 2021 17:00 | August 2021 | Sou Datta!! |
5th Song Contest | A song with a sense of speed | June 1, 2021 17:00 - July 31, 2021 17:00 | October 2021 | Sick of House |
6th Song Contest | Free / no theme | August, 1 2021 - September 30, 2021 17:00 | December 2021 | Last Score |
7th Song Contest | Downer / depressing song | October 1, 2021 - November 30, 2021 17:00 | February 2022 | Judas |
8th Song Contest | EDM | December 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022 17:00 | April 2022 | ONESELF |
9th Song Contest | Free / no theme | February 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022 17:00 | June 2022 | Mikansei Sanka |
10th Song Contest | Cheer-up song | April 1, 2022 - May 31, 2022 17:00 | August 2022 | Soredemo Ii nda yo |
11th Song Contest | A song that makes you cry | June 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022 17:00 | October 2022 | Ichi Ni no San de |
12th Song Contest | Free / no theme | August 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022 17:00 | December 2022 | Hidamari no Setsuna |
13th Song Contest | A song that you want to listen in a cafe | October 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022 17:00 | February - March 2023 | Where shall we go? Epilogue ni Kimi wa Inai |
14th Song Contest | Rock song | December 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023 17:00 | April - May 2023 | Na mo Naki Kakumei Eternal Aria |
15th Song Contest | Free / no theme | February 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 17:00 | June - July 2023 | Stardust Medley Shinpaku Pairing |
16th Song Contest | A Song that can get you in a good mood | April 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 17:00 | August - September 2023 | Disco No.39 CIRCUS PANIC!!! |
17th Song Contest | A song that you want to listen to when you're driving | June 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023 17:00 | October - November 2023 | Cool Me Down On&On |
18th Song Contest | Free / no theme | August 1, 2023 - September 2023 17:00 | December 2023 - January 2024 | Overcode Syndrome |
19th Song Contest | Songs of youth | October 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023 17:00 | February 2024 - March 2024 | Juurokusai no Shinzou Meikyou Shisui |
20th Song Contest | EDM | December 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024 17:00 | April 2024 - May 2024 | Silver Collector I know Ainou. |
21st Song Contest | Free / no theme | February 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024 17:00 | June 2024 - July 2024 | Gousei Suru Mirai Merry Go Round |
22nd Song Contest | Chill song | April 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 17:00 | August 2024 - September 2024 | Suisei no Ginga Layer Note |
23rd Song Contest | Song that would get you excited at a concert | June 1, 2024 - July 31, 2024 17:00 | October 2024 - November 2024 | Noten Parry |
24th Song Contest | Free / no theme | August 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 17:00 | December 2024 - January 2025 | TBA |
All times are in JST unless otherwise specified.
Winning songs[edit | edit source]
1st Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The first song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had the theme of "a song that makes you excited." Applications began on October 1, 2020 17:00 JST and ended on November 30, 2020 17:00 JST.[1]
The winning song was Brand New Day by irucaice and was added to the game on February 22, 2021.[2] The judging comments were:
- 最初から最後まで元気でアップテンポな曲で、サビにかけての盛り上がりや、明るい音色と未来へ頑張ろうと思わせてくれるポジティブな歌詞がテーマの「テンションが上がる曲」にぴったりだったため選ばせていただきました!
- I chose this song because it was energetic and up-tempo from start to finish, and the excitement of the chorus, the bright tone, and the positive lyrics that made me want to work hard for the future were perfect for the theme of "songs that raise tension.
2nd Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The second song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had the theme of "a song that you want to listen to in Spring."[1][3] The application period was changed to December 1, 2020 17:00 JST - January 31, 2020 17:00 JST from December 1, 2020 17:00 JST - December 31, 2020 17:00 JST. In addition, the implementation date was moved from March 2021 to April 2021.[4]
The winning song was Hana o Utau by shino and was added to the game on April 26, 2021.[5] The judging comments were:
- イントロから明るくテンポ感のある曲調で始まりますが、一方で情緒溢れる季節感のある歌詞が、テーマである「春に聞きたい曲」にぴったりでした。また、歌詞の韻の踏み方や、サビの入りのオシャレさなど何度も聞きたくなるような要素も多分に含まれており、とても素敵な曲だったため選ばせていただきました!
- The song starts off with a bright, fast-paced intro, but the lyrics, full of emotion and a sense of seasonality, were perfect for our theme of "songs to listen to in spring." Also, the rhyming style of the lyrics and the stylishness of the chorus made me want to listen to it over and over again, and I chose this song because it was so wonderful!
3rd Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The third song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had no theme.[1][6] The application period was changed to February 1, 2021 17:00 JST - March 31, 2021 17:00 JST from January 1, 2021 17:00 JST - January 31, 2021 17:00 JST. In addition, the implementation date was moved from April 2021 to June 2021.[4]
The winning song was Utakata Mirai by Kaga.[7] The judging comments were:
- 曲の構成や一音一音の作り込みのクオリティが高く、歌の後ろに流れている楽器の音にも引き込まれるような音楽です。また、ボーカロイドの調教が上手で歌がとても聞き取りやすく体が自然に横揺れしたくなるような素敵な曲だったため選ばせていただきました!
- The composition of the song and the quality of each note is high, and the sound of the instruments playing behind the song draws you in. I also chose this song because the Vocaloid is well tuned and the song is very easy to understand, making your body want to naturally sway sideways!
4th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The fourth song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had the theme of "pop song."[1][8] The application period was changed to April 1 2021, 17:00 JST - May 31 2021, 17:00 JST from February 1, 2021 17:00 JST - February 28, 2021 17:00 JST. In addition, the implementation date was moved from May 2021 to August 2021.[4]
The winning song was Sou Datta!! by Takenoko Shounen and was added to the game on August 6, 2021.[9] The judging comments were:
- 冒頭からピコピコ音でポップさを全開に出した曲で、歌詞も一つ一つ面白く聞くだけで明るい気分になれる素敵な音楽です!さらに曲の途中でインド風の音楽を取り入れるアイデアもおもしろく、テーマにぴったりの曲だったため選ばせていただきました!
- From the beginning of the song, it is a pop song with a lot of bleeps, and each lyric is interesting and makes you feel cheerful just by listening to it! In addition, the idea of introducing Indian style music in the middle of the song was also interesting, and we chose this song because it was perfect for our theme!
5th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The fifth song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had the theme of "a song with a sense of speed."[1][10] The application period was changed to June 1, 2021 17:00 JST - July 31, 2021 17:00 JST from March 1, 2021 17:00 JST - March 31, 2021 17:00 JST. In addition, the implementation date was moved from August 2021 to December 2021.[4]
The winning song was Sick of House by Ozon and was added to the game on October 22, 2021.[11] The judging comments were:
- 思わず口ずさみたくなるようなサビの歌詞がリズム感と合っていとてもよく、最後のサビではさらに1トーン高くなっていて1曲としての盛り上げ方が素晴らしいです!スピード感もありずっと縦ノリしたくなるような曲だったため選ばせていただきました!
- The lyrics in the chorus make you want to sing along, and the rhythm of the song is very good, and the final chorus is a tone higher, so the way the song builds up is great! I chose this song because it had a sense of speed and made me want to groove all the way to the end!
6th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The sixth song contest was announced on October 2, 2020 and had no theme.[1][12] The application period was changed to August, 1 2021 17:00 JST - September 30, 2021 17:00 JST from April 1, 2021 17:00 JST - April 30, 2021 17:00 JST. In addition, the implementation date was moved from July 2021 to October 2021.[4]
The winning song was Last Score by Sekikomi Gohan and was added to the game on December 20, 2021.[13] The judging comments were:
- サビでカタルシスがすごくて思わず手が止まりました…。サビの直前で音数を絞って「愛されたい」とミクのメッセージをしっかり聞かせてから、一気にサビへと音を増やして駆け抜けていくメロディは何回聞いても感動します。歌詞も作曲者の集大成のような想いが詰め込まれているのを感じて採用とさせていただきました!
- The catharsis in the chorus was so great that I couldn't help but stop.... Just before the chorus, the number of notes is reduced to let the audience hear Miku's message of "I want to be loved", and then the melody increases in volume to the chorus. The lyrics are also a culmination of the composer's thoughts and feelings, which is why I decided to adopt it!
7th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The seventh song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had the theme of "downer / depressing song." Applications began on October 1, 2021 and ended on November 30, 2021 17:00 JST.[14][15]
The winning song was Judas by SukoyaCathedral and was added to the game on February 21, 2022.[16] The judging comments were:
- 低音のベースとKAITOの歌声が完璧にマッチしていて、「かっこいい」と感じること間違いなし。舌が噛みそうなほど早口の歌詞も上手に歌い上げ、2番は1番と違って高音から入る歌も魅力的で採用とさせていただきました!
- The low-pitched bass and KAITO's singing voice perfectly match each other, and you will definitely feel "cool". He sings the lyrics so fast that you feel like biting your tongue, and the second song, unlike the first, starts from the high notes, which is also very attractive, and we decided to adopt it!
8th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The eighth song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had the theme of "EDM." Applications began on December 1, 2021 and ended on January 31, 2022 17:00 JST.[14][17]
The winning song was ONESELF by Twinfield and was added to the game on April 15, 2022.[18] The judging comments were:
- future coreのような展開やサビのノリでEDMを感じさせる音楽に対して、初音ミクがお互いを邪魔しないようにうまくマッチしています!パートパートでまるで違う顔を魅せる音楽をゴリッとつなげて一曲にまとめていて、まるで音楽イベントに遊びに来たような満足感を感じることができ、採用とさせていただきました!
- The future core-like development and the groove of the chorus give the music an EDM feel, and Hatsune Miku fits in well without interfering with each other. The music, which has a different look depending on the part, is tightly integrated into a single song, giving a sense of satisfaction as if you were at a music event.
9th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The ninth song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had no theme. Applications began on February 1, 2022 and ended on March 31, 2022 17:00 JST.[14][19]
The winning song was Mikansei Sanka by Shinsa and was added on June 24, 2022.[20] The judging comments were:
- 「僕らは未完成でこんなに不完全でだからこそ何回も何回も高みを目指していく」といった歌詞が何年もボカロPとして活動してきたしゃいとさんの心情も乗っているように感じて心に響きました!繊細なピアノのリズムから盛り上がっていくサビまでノリが良く、リズムゲームにしたときも楽しく遊べそうと思い、採用とさせていただきました!
- The lyrics, "We are incomplete and imperfect, that's why we aim high again and again," seems to reflect the feelings of Shaito, who has been active as a VOCALOID producer for many years, and it touched our heart! The delicate piano rhythm and the uplifting chorus are very groovy, and we thought it would be fun to play it as a rhythm game, so we decided to adopt it!
10th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The tenth song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had the theme of "cheer-up song." Applications began on April 1, 2022 and ended on May 31, 2022 17:00 JST.[14][21]
The winning song was Soredemo Ii nda yo by Ponchi♪ and was added on August 26, 2022.[22] The judging comments were:
- 失敗や悩みを共感できるように雨の音が印象的に使われており、サビにかけて明るく駆け抜けて未来へ向かう人の背中を押すような音楽が素敵だったため、採用とさせていただきました!ストレートな歌詞に優しいミクの声がマッチしていて染みます。
- The song uses the sound of rain impressively so that people can empathize with failures and worries, and the music is so wonderful that it pushes people toward the future by running brightly through the chorus, so we decided to adopt this song! The straightforward lyrics are matched by the gentle voice of Miku, and it is very soothing.
11th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The eleventh song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had the theme of "a song that makes you cry." Applications began on June 1, 2022 and ended on July 31, 2022 17:00 JST.[14][23]
The winning song was Ichi Ni no San de by nogumi and was added on October 31, 2022.[24] The judging comments were:
- 静かな歌い出しから音の重なりが増えるに従って広がつていぐドラマチックな展開にドキドキしました!要所で織り込まれるマイナーコードの響きが哀愁や物悲しさを際立たせ、楽曲の世界観にブッと引き込まれます。 何かを訴えかけるようなミクの歌声も素晴らしぐ、 歌詞もストレートに心に残る作品だったため、今回の募集テーマにぴったりだこと感じ採用とさせていただきました!
- We are thrilled by the dramatic development of the song, from the quiet beginning to the increasing overlapping of notes! The minor chords that are woven in at key points accentuate the melancholy and sadness of the song and also draw you into the world of the song. Miku's voice, which seems to be appealing to the audience, is wonderful, and the lyrics are straightforward and memorable, so we decided to adopt this song because we felt it was a perfect fit for the theme of this year's contest!
12th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The twelfth song contest was announced on September 3, 2021 and had no theme. Applications began on August 1, 2022 and ended on September 30, 2022 17:00 JST.[14][25]
The winning song was Hidamari no Setsuna by Akano Y and was added on December 12, 2022.[26] The judging comments were:
- アイリッシュ調のサウンドにミクとルカによるボーカルの掛け合いが美しく印象に残りました。サビでの怒涛の盛り上がりと物語のような世界観も相まって、聞き終わった後は一冊の童話を読み切ったような満足感があります。壮大で広大な音楽に圧倒され採用とさせていただきました!
- The Irish-style sound and the vocal interplay between Miku and Luka left a beautiful impression on us. The chorus, with its raging climax and story-like worldview, leaves the listener with the satisfying feeling of having finished reading a fairy tale. We were overwhelmed by the grandeur and vastness of the music, so we decided to adopt it!
13th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The thirteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had the theme of "a song that you want to listen in a cafe". Applications began on October 1, 2022 and ended on November 30, 2022 17:00 JST.[27][28]
The winning songs were Where shall we go? by Mellowcle and Epilogue ni Kimi wa Inai by Sato Genzairyo. Where shall we go? was added on February 24, 2023.[29] The judging comments for Where shall we go? were:
- 鏡音リンと鏡音レンで楽しそうに過ごしているような歌の雰囲気や曲調が今回のテーマにぴったり当てはまっていました!心も身体もぽかぽか暖かく、優しく包み込んでくれるカフェラテのような曲だと感じ採用とさせていただきました!
- The atmosphere and tune of the song perfectly fit the theme of this year's contest, as if Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len were having a good time! We felt that this song is like a café latte that warms your heart and body and gently wraps you up, so we decided to adopt it!
Epilogue ni Kimi wa Inai was added on March 3, 2023.[29] The judging comments for Epilogue ni Kimi wa Inai were:
- 明るくまったりという雰囲気とは違い、「夜」や「一人」を感じさせるようなスローテンポな曲で、これもカフェで聞きたい1曲だと感じました!どうしても眠れないひとりきりの夜に、そっと寄り添う一杯の珈琲のような曲だと感じ採用とさせていただきました!
- Unlike the bright and relaxing atmosphere of the song, this slow-tempo song evokes a sense of "night" and "loneliness," and we felt that this is another song we would like to hear at a cafe! We felt that this song is like a cup of coffee that gently accompanies you on those lonely nights when you just can't sleep!
14th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The fourteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had the theme of "rock song". Applications began on December 12, 2022 and ended on January 1, 2023 17:00 JST.[27][30]
The winning songs were Na mo Naki Kakumei by Cyan Kino and Eternal Aria by Adeliae. Na mo Naki Kakumei was added on April 14, 2023.[31] The judging comments for Na mo Naki Kakumei were:
- 構成・音作り・メロディ全てが非常に高いレベルで作り込まれていて、大変なこだわりを持って作曲されていることが伝わってきました。可変拍子が独特な溜めとノリを作り出すことで、爽やかで疾走感もありながら、何度も聞き返したくなるような個性と中毒性をもたらしています。前向きで元気をもらえるメロディに『革命の夜明け』という歌詞もぴったりハマっており、歌詞全体も聞き心地のよいユニークなワードチョイスが魅力的です。アウトロのドラマチックなギターソロまで逃がすことのできない聴き応えのある楽曲だと感じたため、採用とさせていただきました!
- The composition, sound production, and melody are all created at a very high level, showing that the music was composed with great care. The variable beat creates a unique tame and groove that is refreshing and fast, but also brings a unique and addictive feeling that makes you want to listen to it over and over again. The lyrics "kakumei no yoake" fit perfectly with the positive and energizing melody, and the lyrics as a whole are appealing with their unique word choice that makes them comfortable to listen to. The lyrics as a whole are a pleasant and unique choice of words. We felt that this is a song worth listening to, even down to the dramatic guitar solo in the outro, so we have selected it for the contest!
Eternal Aria was added on May 22, 2023.[31] The judging comments for Eternal Aria were:
- ギターの印象的なリフとピアノの旋律が、まるで星空のようにキラキラと美しく、要所で入り込んでくるストリングスのアレンジも楽曲の世界観に説得力を持たせています。音がぶつかりがちなバンドサウンドにも関わらず、一音一音がきらびやかに前に出ており、MIX&エンコードの良い仕事ぶりにも制作陣の強いこだわりが感じられました。サビの盛り上がりはもちろんのこと、詩的で儚さを伺わせる歌詞や、アウトロのピチカート&ピアノの繊細な響きまで、全てが美しい楽曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました!
- The impressive guitar riffs and piano melody are as shimmering and beautiful as a starry sky, and the string arrangements that enter at key points add persuasiveness to the song's worldview. Despite the band sound, which tends to clash with sounds, each note comes forward sparklingly, and the production team's strong attention to detail was evident in the good job of mixing and encoding. The song was selected because we felt that everything about it was beautiful, from the poetic and fragile lyrics to the delicate pizzicato and piano sounds of the outro, not to mention the excitement of the chorus!
15th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The fifteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had no theme. Applications began on February 1, 2023 and ended on March 31, 2023 17:00 JST.[27][32]
The winning songs were Stardust Medley by KISARA and Shinpaku Pairing by Yukino Ito. Stardust Medley was added on June 16, 2023.[33] The judging comments for Stardust Medley were:
- 2分20秒で味わえる、重厚で革新的な"ミュージカル"体験に、冒頭から度肝を抜かれました。コミカルな導入から目まぐるしく展開が変わる様は、まさに「スターダストメドレー」の題に相応しい仕上がり。曲の表情に合わせて変わるミクの歌声は、バーチャル・シンガーであることを忘れさせるほどに生き生きとし、聴くたびに新たな楽しさに気付かせてくれる楽曲だと感じ、採用とさせていただきました!
- We were astonished from the very beginning by the profound and innovative "musical" experience that can be experienced in 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The comical introduction and the dizzying changes in development are truly worthy of the title "Stardust Medley". Miku's voice, which changes with the song's expression, is so lively that you forget that she is a virtual singer, and we chose this song because we felt that every time you listen to it, you will find something new to enjoy!
Shinpaku Pairing was added on July 14, 2023.[33] The judging comments for Shinpaku Pairing were:
- いじらしい恋心を歌った歌詞とキャッチーなメロディがとびきりに可愛い!ど真ん中ストレートの王道ポップスでありながら、メロディの隙間を縫うようなセクシーなベースラインとファンキーに跳ねるピアノのワクワク感に引き込まれました。ミクの素直でスッと入り込んでくるボーカルも魅力的で、『青春ソング』と一言で形容できないほどに洗練された珠玉のポップスだと感じ、採用とさせていただきました!
- The lyrics about teasing love and the catchy melody are incredibly cute! While the song is straight to the heart of the song, the sexy bass line and funky bouncing piano that weaves in and out of the melody drew us in with its excitement. Miku's honest and penetrating vocals are also very appealing, and we felt that this song was a refined gem of a pop song that cannot be described in one word as a "coming-of-age song," so we decided to adopt it!
16th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The sixteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had the theme of "a song that can get you in a good mood". Applications began on April 1, 2023 and ended on May 31, 2023 17:00 JST.[27][34]
The winning songs were Disco No.39 by Rulmry. and CIRCUS PANIC!!! by Satsuki. Disco No.39 was added on August 2023.[35] The judging comments for Disco No.39 were:
- まさに今回の募集テーマを体現したような一曲。70年代を彷彿とさせるジャジーディスコの切り口から現代的なアプローチを加え、令和のボカロ曲として昇華させた、ユニークかつ斬新な発想に胸を打たれた…なんて難しい言葉はもはや不要!頭を空っぽにしてノれる楽曲のため採用とさせていただきました!
- This is a song that perfectly captures the theme of this contest round. It combines a modern approach with a jazzy disco style reminiscent of the 70s, creating a unique and innovative Vocaloid song during the Reiwa era. No need for complicated words. It is a song that can be enjoyed with a clear mind, so we decided to adopt this song!
CIRCUS PANIC!!! was added on September 2023.[35] The judging comments for CIRCUS PANIC!!! were:
- 疾走感の溢れるエレクトロ・スウィングの波に冒頭から圧倒されます。EDMのドロップが詰め込まれていたり、意外性とオリジナリティの溢れるメロディラインにドキドキさせられたり、息つく暇のないほどにこれでもかと遊び心が散りばめられ、最後までノリノリになれる楽曲のため採用とさせていただきました!
- From the very beginning, you will be overwhelmed by the wave of electro swing that overflows with a sense of speed. Packed with EDM drops and surprising original melody lines that make your heart race, this playful song is so full of fun that there’s no time to catch your breath. We decided to adopt this song as this song will keep you grooving until the end!
17th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The seventeenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had the theme of "a song that you want to listen to when you're driving". Applications began on June 1, 2023 and will end on July 31, 2023 17:00 JST.[27]
The winning songs were Cool Me Down by Mwk. and On&On by Mellowcle. Cool Me Down was added on October 2023.[36] The judging comments for Cool Me Down were:
- 伸びやかで美しいルカの歌声に、ドロップを経て爆発的に開放されていくエネルギーが加わり、最高に心地よい一曲に仕上がっています。どこまでも伸びていきそうな空気感や奥行きを感じさせる音作り、低く唸るようなベース&ドラムライン、相反するように美しく響くピアノとvoのリフレイン。熱さと涼しさが同居するような美しいコントラストを感じさせ、真夏のドライブやナイトクルージングまで、シチュエーションを問わずドライブで聞きたい一曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました!
On&On was added on November 2023.[36] The judging comments for On&On were:
- MEIKO Englishを使ったユニークなアプローチに感銘を受けました!トレンド感のある、懐かしくも新しいネオ・シティポップサウンドに、アダルトでスモーキーなMEIKOのボーカルを見事に調和させる ことで、ボカロシティポップ界に新たな扉が開かれたように感じます。深夜の首都高をドライブしていて、ラジオからふとこんな曲が流れてきたら・・・と想像すると胸が高まる、最高にメロウな一曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました!
18th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The eighteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2022 and had no theme. Applications will begin on August 1, 2023 and will end on September 31, 2023 17:00 JST.[27]
The winning songs were Overcode by ienu. and syndrome by Miyamori Bungaku. Overcode was added to the game on December 22, 2023.[37] The judging comments for Overcode were:
- 静と動、圧縮と開放。あらゆるコントラストがユニークに散りばめられており、それらが立体感を伴った新たな音楽体験へと導いています。爆発的に開放されるサビは、あたかも殻を破って"オモイ"が発露するかのように感じられます。叫びにも似た感情を音楽にして、ここまで表現されていることに驚きを隠せなかったため、採用とさせていただきました!
syndrome was added to the game on January 22, 2024.[37] The judging comments for syndrome were:
- ジャジー・ヒップホップのエッセンスをふんだんに感じさせながらも、トレンド感のあるシンセサウンドとキャッチーなメロディラインが調和することで見事なポップソングに仕上がっています。気持ちが溢れ出て、つい早口になってしまう女の子の心情をラップで表現するという発想とアプローチがお見事!微笑ましくも可愛らしい楽曲のため、採用とさせていただきました!
19th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The nineteenth song contest was announced on October 1, 2023 and had the theme of "songs of youth". Applications began on October 1, 2023 and ended on November 30, 2023 17:00 JST.[38]
The winning songs were Juurokusai no Shinzou by TakoyakiKZY and Meikyou Shisui by Tabiji. Juurokusai no Shinzou was added to the game on February 13, 2024.[39] The judging comments for Juurokusai no Shinzou were:
- シンプルでエモーショナルなバンドサウンドに乗せて、揺れる感情が時に吐き出されるように、また時には消え入るように歌われており、言語化するのが難しいほどの"青"を、匂い立つほどに色濃く感じました。終始こだわりを感じる作り込まれたドラムサウンドやギター、細部に至るまで、まさに"エモい"一曲だったため採用とさせていただきました!
Meikyou Shisui was added to the game on March 8, 2024.[39] The judging comments for Meikyou Shisui were:
- 印象的なピアノとシンセのサウンドもさることながら、後半に進むにつれて、熱を帯びるかのようにドラマチックに展開されていくメロディが、息を呑むほど美しいと感じました。忘れていてもどこかで覚えている、確かに感じた色鮮やかな記憶や感情が呼び起こされるような一曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました!
20th Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The twentieth song contest was announced on October 1, 2023 and had the theme of "EDM". Applications began on December 1, 2023 and ended on January 31, 2024 17:00 JST.[38]
The winning songs were Silver Collector by Shu and I know Ainou. by Yoshida Yasei. Silver Collector was added to the game on April 22, 2024.[39] The judging comments for Silver Collector were:
- トレンド感あるTrapに乗せた美しい立ち上がりから、徐々に熱量が上がっていく様にワクワクさせられます。爆発的に開放されるサビやゴリゴリに攻めたDropはリスナーの期待に応えるには十分すぎるほどの破壊力を持ち、ルカの決意や意志の強さを感じる芯のあるVoが楽曲に説得力を加えています。幾度もNEXTに挑戦し続けた作曲者とルカだからこそ生まれた渾身の一曲で、「シルバーコレクター」にしておくにはあまりにも惜しい楽曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました。
I know Ainou. was added to the game on May 20, 2024.[39] The judging comments for I know Ainou. were:
- 緊迫感のある立ち上がりからトランス全開の攻撃的なシンセサウンドで一気にアクセルが踏み込まれ、濁流のように叩き込まれるVoに息つく間もなく飲み込まれていきます。随所に散りばめられるユニークな音ネタや、開放的なPopsにガラッと表情を変えるサビなど、予測不可能な起伏ある展開と音楽的な引き出しの多さ、編曲能力の高さに驚かされました。何度聞いても新たな発見がある、表情豊かで唯一無二の楽曲だと感じたため採用とさせていただきました。
21st Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The twenty-first song contest was announced on October 1, 2023 and had no theme. Applications began on February 1, 2024 and ended on March 31, 2024 17:00 JST.[38]
The winning songs were Gousei Suru Mirai by Asyu and Merry Go Round by Negi Shower P. Gousei Suru Mirai was added to the game on June 24, 2024.[39] The judging comments for Gousei Suru Mirai were:
- 少しの緊張や焦燥を感じられる始まりから静かに、しかし確実に何かが始まることを予感させ、楽曲の世界観に引きずり込まれます。疾走感と開放感の中にどこか寂しさも同居しているように感じられ、気付けば幾度とリピートしてしまう、不思議で唯一無二の魅力を持つ楽曲だと感じたため、採用とさせていただきました。
Merry Go Round will be added to the game on July 2024.[39] The judging comments for Merry Go Round were:
- エッジの効いたKAITOの色気を感じさせる低音と、高音域をクリアに歌うミクのデュオがなんとも心地良いです。ユニークな展開、ライミングを重視した遊び心溢れる歌詞、輪郭がハッキリと聞こえるサウンドの音楽的な強度が相まって非常にハイレベルな楽曲だと感じたため、採用とさせていただきました。
22nd Song Contest[edit | edit source]
The twenty-second song contest was announced on October 1, 2023 and had the theme of "chill song". Applications began on April 1, 2024 and ended on May 31, 2024 17:00 JST.[38]
The winning songs were Suisei no Kuni by Matsushita Leo and Layer Note by Yoshida Yoshiyuki. Suisei no Kuni will be added to the game on August 2024.[39] The judging comments for Suisei no Kuni were:
- Lo-Fiヒップホップのスタンダードを押さえつつ、上質なポップスとしても聴き応え十分のキャッチーでセンスを感じさせるメロディラインが素敵です。最後まで飽きを感じさせないキメ細やかなアレンジも素晴らしく、細部まで妥協なく作り込まれた完成度の高い楽曲だと感じたため、採用とさせていただきました。
Layer Note will be added to the game on September 2024.[39] The judging comments for Layer Note were:
- ベースの最初の一音を聴いただけでこの曲が只者ではないことを確信できるほどに、一音一音の品質が非常に高いです。音数を多くせず余白と奥行きを意識した作りが、鳴っている音全てに説得力と抜群の聞き心地をもたらしています。"チルい曲"を体現したような一曲だと感じたため、採用とさせていただきました。
Submission guidelines[edit | edit source]
YouTube[edit | edit source]
- Please write "第<number>回プロセカNEXT応募楽曲" in the video summary field.[submission 1]
- After agreeing to the following terms and conditions, post your video during the period with the tag "#プロセカNEXT" in the description of the video's detail page.
- Link your Twitter or e-mail in the video's description.
- If you use a Twitter account, please make sure to follow the official Twitter account (@pj_sekai).
Nico Nico Douga[edit | edit source]
- Please write "第<number>回プロセカNEXT応募楽曲" in the video summary field.[submission 1]
- After agreeing to the following terms and conditions, post your video with the tag "#プロセカNEXT" on the video information entry page during the period.
- Link your Twitter or e-mail in the video's description.
- If you use a Twitter account, please make sure to follow the official Twitter account (@pj_sekai).
Application rules[edit | edit source]
About submission[edit | edit source]
- Please agree to the following and follow the rules before submitting your entry.
- Please submit the full-size version of your song.
- The submitted song will be recorded as a game size of around 2 minutes in one chorus including the outro.
- The submitted song must be an original work that has not been submitted to any contest other than Proseka NEXT, and that is not under contract with a specific music publisher or trust agreement with a management organization. Any genre of music and any language can be used.
- Music that has been previously published can be submitted as long as it meets the other conditions stipulated in these entry rules and was first published on or after <date>.[about submission 1]
- We are looking for songs sung by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO. (Singing by multiple characters is acceptable.)
- Songs that use sampled voices (including human voices) of characters other than those listed above, including chorus and shouting voices, will not be eligible for submission.
- You can submit as many songs as you like.
- ↑ This date depends on the contest; see each contest page for more details.
Other entry conditions[edit | edit source]
- This campaign is sponsored by Sega Games Inc. and Colorful Palette Inc. (If you are under 18 years old, please have your guardian check your entry before submitting it.)
- In the event that a third party claims infringement of rights or raises an objection to a submitted work, the entrant will be responsible for resolving the issue at his/her own risk and expense. The organizer assumes no responsibility whatsoever.
- Any edits to the video or changes to the information (such as changes to the title) after the application period has ended will not be reflected in the work.
- The entrant agrees not to assert or exercise any rights with respect to the Sponsor's use of the submitted work. The submitted work will not be returned for any reason whatsoever.
- The submitted work may be published in the sponsor's announcement, promotional materials, or website without prior consent of the entrant.
- The copyright of the work will be held by the entrant, but the work will be managed by the organizer. The organizer will take care of the work. The rights to commercialize the work and the rights of the contact point belong to the organizer.
- After the work has been selected, it will be used in "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku" (in-game recording, live performance, PR activities, etc.).
- If your work is selected, you will be asked to provide all the necessary data for in-game recording (lyric text, midi data, game-size sound data[entry conditions 1], thumbnails, BPM information).
- The organizer will set the music score data, jacket image, etc. for the adopted work at its own discretion when it is recorded in the game.
- The organizer will set up the music score data, jacket image, etc. at its own discretion when the selected work is recorded in the game. The selected work will be required to provide various data necessary for publicity activities, such as audio data of the music.
- For the purpose of publication and use by the organizer, the selected work may be deleted, modified, or otherwise altered without the applicant's consent.
- The contents of the campaign are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please note that we may change or cancel the campaign without prior notice.
- ↑ One chorus including the outro.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 「一緒に作ろう!第1回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! 1st Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). October 2, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第1回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 1st Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). December 15, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第2回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! 2nd Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). November 25, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 「第2回~第6回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」応募期間と実装時期変更のお知らせ ["2nd to 6th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Submission Period and Implementation Date Changes] (in Japanese). November 4, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第2回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 2nd Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). February 12, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第3回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! 3rd Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). February 1, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第3回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 3rd Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). April 19, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第4回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 4th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). March 31, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第4回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 4th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). June 25, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第5回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 5th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). June 1, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第5回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 5th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). August 23, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第6回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 6th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). August 1, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第6回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 6th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). October 28, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 「楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」第7回~第12回テーマ発表! [Announcement of the 7th to 12th themes of "Song Contest Proseka NEXT!"] (in Japanese). September 3, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第7回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 7th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). October 1, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第7回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 7th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). December 13, 2021. Retrieved December 17, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第8回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 8th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). December 1, 2021. Retrieved December 1, 2021.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第8回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 8th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). February 16, 2022. Retrieved March 1, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第9回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 9th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). February 1, 2022. Retrieved February 1, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第9回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 9th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). April 21, 2022. Retrieved April 23, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第10回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 10th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). April 1, 2022. Retrieved April 11, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第10回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 10th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). June 24, 2022. Retrieved July 5, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第11回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 11th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). June 1, 2022. Retrieved July 5, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第11回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 11th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). August 30, 2022. Retrieved August 30, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第12回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 12th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). August 1, 2022. Retrieved August 11, 2022.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第12回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 12th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). October 26, 2022. Retrieved January 5, 2022.
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 「楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」第13回~第18回テーマ発表! [Announcement of the 13th to 18th themes of "Song Contest Proseka NEXT!"] (in Japanese). October 1, 2022. Retrieved January 5, 2023.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第13回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 13th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). October 1, 2022. Retrieved January 5, 2023.
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 「一緒に作ろう!第13回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 13th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). December 16, 2022. Retrieved January 5, 2023.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第14回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 14th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). December 1, 2022. Retrieved March 17, 2023.
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 「一緒に作ろう!第14回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 14th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). February 27, 2023. Retrieved March 17, 2023.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第15回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 15th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). February 1, 2023. Retrieved March 17, 1023.
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 「一緒に作ろう!第15回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 15th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). April 4, 2023. Retrieved July 1, 1023.
- ↑ 「一緒に作ろう!第16回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」開催! ["Let's Make It Together! The 16th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Held!] (in Japanese). May 1, 2023. Retrieved July 1, 2023.
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 「一緒に作ろう!第16回楽曲コンテストプロセカNEXT」採用作品発表! ["Let's Make It Together! The 16th Song Contest Proseka NEXT" Selected works announcement!] (in Japanese). June 19, 2023. Retrieved July 1, 1023.
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs named17th winner
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs named18th winner
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs named19-24 themes
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs named19th winner