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Cheerful Carnival is one of the three event types. In this event type, players are given the option to choose a group. In multiplayer, players represent and earn points for their group. Points are earned through playing Cheerful Live, which replaces Multi Live.
A cheerful carnival event can be divided into 3 sections: first midterm, second midterm, and final. After each midterm, players will receive different amounts of small live bonus drinks based on their team.
List of events[edit | edit source]
Groups[edit | edit source]
A cheerful carnival will always have two groups. The option to pick a group becomes available once the player visits the event page. After picking a group, the player will receive a costume for their virtual live avatar.
Changing groups[edit | edit source]
Players can change groups once per event. This must happen before the first midterm. To change teams, visit the stuffed bear.
Midterms and final[edit | edit source]
There are two midterms, which shows which group is in the lead. After each midterm concludes, the leading and trailing groups are announced. Members of leading group are given 3 small live bonus drinks while members of the trailing group only get 2 small live bonus drinks. After the final announcement, members of the winning group get 200 crystals, while members of the losing group get 150 crystals.