Help:Your first edit

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Revision as of 05:30, 7 August 2022 by ChaoticShadow (talk | contribs) (fixed heights)

Making your first edit can be very intimidating, but it really isn't as difficult as it may seem. This guide serves as an introduction on how to edit in Sekaipedia and clear up any doubts.


Finding an article to edit

First, we need to find an article that has an mistake or outdated information. Here, in the Distant-Looking, but Friendly page for Ichika's page it says "MORE MORE JUMP!", however, Ichika is actually in "Leo/need". Let's fix that.

Opening the editor

The editor buttons are found near the top right of the article. (Note this is not the case if your skin is not Citizen, our default skin.) There are two buttons in the button group with a blue background. We want to click on the button with the "Edit" label and pencil icon, not the button with the "[[]]" icon. After clicking that button, we should now be in the editor.

Making an edit

This editor works like Microsoft Word or Google Docs; just type and format as you please and it will show up exactly as you want it to! Let's change "MORE MORE JUMP!" to "Leo/need".

Here's what it looks like after our corrections.

Saving an edit

Saving an edit is done by clicking on the "Save changes" button in the top right.

Reviewing our changes

Adding an edit summary

Saving changes

What should be fixed and what should not be fixed

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