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Main Story/Wonderlands×Showtime/Chapter 1: Difference between revisions

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{{Dialogue image|Phoenix Wonderland 1.png}}
{{Dialogue image|Phoenix Wonderland 1.png}}
|character = Tsukasa
|english = New hires were to wait by the main gate... So around here.
|japanese = 合格者は正門前で待機だったな。じゃあこのあたりで……
|character = Mascot
|english = *poke*
|japanese =(ポンポン)
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Whoa! Wh-What do you want?!
|japanese = わっ! な、なんだ急に!?
|character = Mascot
|english = My apologies for startling you. I'm an employee of the park. Am I correct in assuming you are Tsukasa Tenma, starting today?
|japanese = 失礼いたしました。私、当ランドのスタッフです。 本日から働かれる、天馬司さんですね?
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Gulp... That deep voice really doesn't match the mascot image... Hold on, he may be a park mascot, but he's my senior here!
|japanese = み、見た目にあわない重低音ボイス……。 ……いや、着ぐるみとはいえ職場の先輩だからな……
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Yes, that's me! It's a pleasure to work with you!
|japanese = ハイ。僕が天馬司です! これからどうぞよろしくお願いします!
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Do you know which stage I've been assigned to?
|japanese = それで、配属先のステージはどこにあるんでしょうか?
|character = Mascot
|english = It is over that way. You can't see it from here. Please follow me.
|japanese = あちらです。 少し離れているので、ついてきてください
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Okay!
|japanese = はい!
|character = Tsukasa
|english = (That must be the newly built Neo Phoenix Rollercoaster? And that would be the renovated Neo Phoenix Castle!)
|japanese =(あれが新しくできたネオフェニックスコースターだな? そしてあれが改築されたネオフェニックス城か!)
|character = Tsukasa
|english = (They've built quite a few new attractions over the last few years. Everywhere you look, it's brand spanking new. But, well, it is one of the best theme parks in the country!)
|japanese = (ここ数年で、新しいアトラクションが増えているらしいな。 どこもかしこもピカピカだ。さすが国内有数のテーマパーク)
|character = Tsukasa
|english = (Hehe... I can't wait to see my new stage! If it's also been recently renovated, it will be dazzlingly gorgeous for sure!)
|japanese = (フフフ、しかし何より楽しみなのはショーステージ! 改装されたばかりなら、きっと素晴らしく豪華に違いない!)
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Um, are you sure this is the right way? We've been walking for a while...
|japanese = ま、まだですか……? どうもずいぶん離れたところに来ているような気が……
|character = Mascot
|english = We are almost there.
|japanese = もうすぐです
|character = Tsukasa
|english = But... This place is almost empty, if you don't count the overgrown shrubbery...
|japanese = もうすぐって、このあたりは客もまばらだし、 ボサボサ木が生えてるばっかりで何も……
|character = Tsukasa
|english = Huh? The path continues further?
|japanese = おや? 道が奥に続いている……?
|character = Tsukasa
|english = You're seriously going to lead us through that jungle? Oh, it looks like the path opens up into a clearing?
|japanese = こ、こんな場所、入っていいんですか? うわっ、急に開けて……
{{Dialogue image|Wonder Stage.png}}

Revision as of 02:55, 19 January 2022

Phoenix Wonderland
Tenma Tsukasa
Well, well. It's pretty busy even on a normal weekday. Phoenix Wonderland sure is popular.
ほ~う。平日にしては賑わっているじゃないか。 さすがはフェニックスワンダーランド
Tenma Tsukasa
Which makes it a perfect place for my debut as a star!
ここはやはり、スターとしての第一歩を踏み出すのに ふさわしい場所のようだな
Tenma Tsukasa
My story will begin today by first passing the audition with ease.
まずは今日! キャストオーディションに余裕の合格ッ!
Tenma Tsukasa
Glowing reviews of my performances will keep the audience seats filled at every show, which will always end with a standing ovation, as my fandom continues to grow!
オレの輝ける才能によって、ステージは連日満員御礼! 押しかけるファン! 止まぬスタンディングオベーションッ!
Tenma Tsukasa
Thus the curtain will rise on the legend of Tsukasa Tenma, epic superstar!
……こうして、スター・天馬司の伝説が、 華々しく幕を開けるのであった……
Tenma Tsukasa
Hehehe... Ha ha ha ha ha! Perfection!
フフフ……ハーッハッハッハッ! 完璧、完璧だな
Excuse me... Are you here for the job interview? You're in the wrong place, buddy.
あのー、もしかして、アルバイト面接にお越しの方ですか? 面接会場はここではないんですが……
Tenma Tsukasa
What... And where is the right place?
……へ? じゃ、じゃあ会場はどこに?
The interviews are being held in that building over there. You'll have to go around that way, so it's a bit of a walk...
あちらに見えるビルです。 道なりにグルーっと回っていかなくちゃならないので、 少し遠いですけど……
Tenma Tsukasa
This can't be happening! I'll be late! I must make it somehow!
な、何ぃ!? まずい、時間がない! 間に合ええー!!
Tenma Tsukasa
Pardon me for my rudeness unbefitting of a star! Please accept my late thanks for your kind advice! Well then, I must be on my way!
……これは失敬! スターにあるまじき行動! 助言、感謝します! それでは!
What's up with that kid...
Audition Site
Tenma Tsukasa
*Huff*... *Huff*... I made it... My legend nearly ended before it even had a chance to begin!
ハァハァ……なんとか間に合った……。 危うく伝説が始まる前に終わるところだった……
We will now begin interviewing the next group of applicants. Please come this way.
それでは次のグループの方。 こちらにどうぞ
Tenma Tsukasa
Coming! Hehe, now I can finally show off my talents!
ハイッ! フフ、ついにオレの実力を見せる時が来たようだな
We'll start from the right side. Please begin with a brief introduction.
Hello. I decided to apply to work at this park because...
Tenma Tsukasa
(First impressions are everything at job interviews. Go big or go home! I must outshine everyone else right from the very beginning!)
(面接は第一印象が勝負。平凡なアピールではダメだ。 そう……誰よりも輝かなければ!)
Next, please...
Tenma Tsukasa
My first name is written with the character for ruling, and second with the characters for pegasus. I am Tsukasa Tenma, the soaring pegasus born to rule the showbiz world!
天翔けるペガサスと書き、天馬! 世界を司ると書き、司! その名も――天馬司! スターになるべく産まれた男ッ!!
What the?!
Tenma Tsukasa
Allow me to take my first steps to stardom on one of your stages, and I shall repay you with a plethora of incredible shows the crowds will fall in love with!
この天馬司、採用されたあかつきには、未来のスターとして、 素晴らしいショーをお届けすることをお約束いたします!
Otori Emu
Did someone say incredible shows?
Tenma Tsukasa
I am not merely a star, I am a supernova! I am the miracle-bringer! And now, I am at your service!
輝きすぎる男、天馬司! 奇跡を起こす男、天馬司! 天馬司を、どうぞよろしくお願いします!!
Er... Thank you. Next, please...
Tenma Tsukasa
(Hahahahaha! My introduction left them speechless! I'm guaranteed to pass this interview with flying colors!)
(ハハハハハ! オレの輝きに面接官も言葉を失う始末!  これは合格間違いなしだな!)
Otori Emu
Hehehe☆ Perfect!
……ふっふっふ☆ とってもいい人、みーつけた!
A few days later
Tenma Tsukasa
Naturally, I passed the interview! Success is the only option for the star-to-be that I am!
当然のように合格してしまったな! さすがはオレ!
Tenma Tsukasa
Next, I will surely be selected for the main role in a major performance. Tickets will sell out at the mere mention of my name!
このあとの計画では、まず初めにショーで主役に抜擢される。 結果はもちろん、満員御礼の大成功
Tenma Tsukasa
My fame will only keep snowballing, resulting in an avalanche of offers from the top theater troupes around the country!
その猛烈な人気はとどまることを知らず、 日本屈指の劇団から、出演オファーが雪崩のごとく殺到!
Tenma Tsukasa
Fast forward a few years and I'll be a dazzling star standing on the grandest stages of the world! Ha ha ha ha!
そうしてオレはいつしか、世界のショーステージで輝く、 スターの星になったのであった……。 ハーッハッハッハ!
Kusanagi Nene
Wow. Some weirdo's just loudly talking to himself...
Kusanagi Nene
Spring tends to bring out people like that... I better hurry home to play some games.
やっぱり春って変なの増えるな……。 早く家帰ってゲームしよ……
Kamishiro Rui
Oh ho? That was an unusual fellow. He went in the direction of the theme park...
んん? なんだか変わった人がいるねえ。 テーマパークの方へ行ったみたいだけど……
Kamishiro Rui
Hmm. Perhaps I should head over there too♪
Tenma Tsukasa
New hires were to wait by the main gate... So around here.
Tenma Tsukasa
Whoa! Wh-What do you want?!
わっ! な、なんだ急に!?
My apologies for startling you. I'm an employee of the park. Am I correct in assuming you are Tsukasa Tenma, starting today?
失礼いたしました。私、当ランドのスタッフです。 本日から働かれる、天馬司さんですね?
Tenma Tsukasa
Gulp... That deep voice really doesn't match the mascot image... Hold on, he may be a park mascot, but he's my senior here!
み、見た目にあわない重低音ボイス……。 ……いや、着ぐるみとはいえ職場の先輩だからな……
Tenma Tsukasa
Yes, that's me! It's a pleasure to work with you!
ハイ。僕が天馬司です! これからどうぞよろしくお願いします!
Tenma Tsukasa
Do you know which stage I've been assigned to?
It is over that way. You can't see it from here. Please follow me.
あちらです。 少し離れているので、ついてきてください
Tenma Tsukasa
Tenma Tsukasa
(That must be the newly built Neo Phoenix Rollercoaster? And that would be the renovated Neo Phoenix Castle!)
(あれが新しくできたネオフェニックスコースターだな? そしてあれが改築されたネオフェニックス城か!)
Tenma Tsukasa
(They've built quite a few new attractions over the last few years. Everywhere you look, it's brand spanking new. But, well, it is one of the best theme parks in the country!)
(ここ数年で、新しいアトラクションが増えているらしいな。 どこもかしこもピカピカだ。さすが国内有数のテーマパーク)
Tenma Tsukasa
(Hehe... I can't wait to see my new stage! If it's also been recently renovated, it will be dazzlingly gorgeous for sure!)
(フフフ、しかし何より楽しみなのはショーステージ! 改装されたばかりなら、きっと素晴らしく豪華に違いない!)
Tenma Tsukasa
Um, are you sure this is the right way? We've been walking for a while...
ま、まだですか……? どうもずいぶん離れたところに来ているような気が……
We are almost there.
Tenma Tsukasa
But... This place is almost empty, if you don't count the overgrown shrubbery...
もうすぐって、このあたりは客もまばらだし、 ボサボサ木が生えてるばっかりで何も……
Tenma Tsukasa
Huh? The path continues further?
おや? 道が奥に続いている……?
Tenma Tsukasa
You're seriously going to lead us through that jungle? Oh, it looks like the path opens up into a clearing?
こ、こんな場所、入っていいんですか? うわっ、急に開けて……
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