Area Conversation (296)

From Sekaipedia
Street Sekai
Background Music
Azusawa Kohane
Singing with you gives me a completely different sense of excitement than singing with An and the others does.
ミクちゃんと一緒に歌うと、杏ちゃん達の時とは ちょっと違うどきどきが胸の中にあふれてくる……
Hatsune Miku (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Your team members, the songs you sing, where you perform... Everything adds its own sense of excitement.
組む相手や歌う曲、歌う場所……。 その数だけいろいろなどきどきがあるんだよ
Azusawa Kohane
I see... I want to experience as much as I can!
そっか……。 私、もっといろいろなどきどきに出会いたい!
Hatsune Miku (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
That's wonderful. I have a feeling you'll do more than just experience it, though. You'll be able to make your own kind of excitement.
そうだね。でも、こはねなら出会うだけじゃなくて、 自分自身で新しいどきどきもつくっていけると思うよ

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