Classroom Sekai

From Sekaipedia

Classroom Sekai is Leo/need's sekai.
It is accessible via the song "NeedLe".

Ichika, Saki, Honami, Shiho, Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO have conversations here. Additionally, area items that increase the power of Leo/need and VIRTUAL SINGER cards can be found here.

Bright sunlight streams through windows on the left side of a mostly empty classroom. Desks and chairs are shoved against the far wall, while the chalkboard has a radial pattern.
Classroom Sekai

Area items[edit | edit source]

Icon Name For Attribute
Miku CDs (ミクのCD) Hoshino Ichika
Phenny Plushie (フェニーのぬいぐるみ) Tenma Saki
Stargazing Guide (星空図鑑) Mochizuki Honami
Shiho's Bass Guitar (志歩のベース) Hinomori Shiho
Miku's Guitar (ミクのギター) Hatsune Miku
Luka's Bass Guitar (ルカのベース) Megurine Luka
Telescope (天体望遠鏡) Leo/need
Group Photo (4人の写真) Leo/need
Music Speakers (ミュージックスピーカー) VIRTUAL SINGER

Navigation[edit | edit source]