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Something Left in My Heart/Side Story 1: Difference between revisions

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{{Card tabs|Something Left in My Heart}}{{Side story info|card id=672|story=1|image=Rui 25 art.png|characters=Kamishiro Rui; Tenma Tsukasa; Kusanagi Nene; Otori Emu; Hatsune Miku; KAITO; MEIKO; Kagamine Rin; Kagamine Len; Megurine Luka|translators=haruka's penguin|sources=[ Youtube]}}{{Dialogue options}}{{Dialogue scene|Rui's Room}}{{Dialogue image|Rui's Room.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=These drones... I can't take them with me after all. The maintenance toolkit...|japanese=このドローン達は……さすがに連れていけないね。 メンテ用の工具セットは……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=No, I'm not going to take Nenerobo with me, so I don't need that either.|japanese=……いや、ネネロボを連れていくわけじゃないから、 これもいらないのか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=(I've started preparing to go on the school trip, but... I can't quite seem to pack my things.)|japanese=(修学旅行に出かける準備を始めてみたけれど……。 なかなか荷物がまとまらないな)}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'd better check the list again.|japanese=もう一度リストを確認してみようか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Let's see... my smartphone, the itinerary booklet, cash, my student ID card...|japanese=えっと……スマホはもちろんとして、 日程がまとめられているしおりに、現金、それから学生証……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=A change of clothes, toothbrush set, writing utensils, and some basic medicine and band-aids in case something goes wrong.|japanese=それから着替え、歯ブラシセットに、筆記用具と 何かあった時のための常備薬にばんそうこう——}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Then there's a wrench, screwdriver, nippers, solder, and circuit board in case of emergencies...|japanese=そしてこれも何かあった時のための、レンチにドライバー、 ニッパー、はんだ、基板に……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Oh, I have that book I haven't finished reading too... I didn't put it on the list, but I'll take it to pass the time on the bullet train.|japanese=そういえば、読みかけの本があったな……。 リストには入れてなかったけれど、 新幹線の中での読み物として持っていこう}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=And I'd also like to include all my usual notebooks in case I come up with something while I'm away.|japanese=あと、旅先で何かを思いついた時のために いつものネタ帳もすべて入れておきたいんだけれど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Haa, my bag overflowed again... I wonder if it'll somehow close if I push everything in.|japanese=はあ……またカバンからあふれてしまった……。 押し込んだらどうにか閉まらないかな}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Rui, we're here!|japanese=類、来たぞー}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Hello!!|japanese=こんにちはー!!}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=Hi there, Rui-kun.|japanese=『こんにちは、類くん』}}{{Dialogue|display name=Miku, Rin, & Len|english=Thanks for having us~! ☆|japanese=『おじゃましま~すっ☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=What are you doing, leaving the door open?|japanese=もう、扉も開けっぱなしで 何して——}}{{Dialogue|display name=Nene & Tsukasa|english=Geh...!|japanese=『げっ……!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Oh dear. There are all kinds of things all over the floor and the desk.|japanese=『あら~。床にも机にも、いろんな物が置いてあるわ~』}}{{Dialogue|character=Len|english=There's a lot of parts and stuff I've never seen before~|japanese=『見たことない部品とかもいっぱいだ~』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=I don't know if it's just that they're here, or that they're scattered all over the place.|japanese=『置いてあるというか、 散乱してしまっているようだけど……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin|english=Oh, I got it! ♪ Everyone was coming over, so you were doing a big cleanup! ☆|japanese=『あ、わかった♪ みんなが来るから、大掃除をしてくれていたんだよね☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=No... rather, I was just getting ready for the school trip.|japanese=いや……、 修学旅行に行く準備をしていただけなんだけどな}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=That's all it took for the mess to become so huge that there's barely any room to stand... Looks like you're still not very good at tidying up.|japanese=たったそれだけで、ここまで足の踏み場をなくせるのか……。 相変わらず片づけが苦手なようだな}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=We can't even get into the room like this. How are we meant to watch the 30th anniversary performance video?|japanese=これじゃ部屋にも入れないし、 このあいだの30周年記念公演の映像も見れないんだけど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Sorry. I'll clean up right away. In the meantime, I'll move this so you can get into the room-|japanese=すまない。すぐに片づけるよ。 とりあえず部屋に入れるように、これをこっちにやって——}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Ah, wait, wait, wait! Don't do anything!|japanese=あー、待て待て待て! お前は何もするな!}}{{Dialogue break}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Aha! Now everyone can come in.|japanese=——よし! なんとか部屋に入れたな}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=It's much cleaner now. Good job.|japanese=『だいぶ綺麗になったね。お疲れさま』}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=But there's still a mountain of stuff left to climb. You said it was luggage for a school trip or something like that...|japanese=けど、まだひと山残ってるんだよね。 修学旅行用の荷物とかって言ってたけど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes, it's all the luggage I'm planning on taking with me.|japanese=実際、持って行こうと思っている荷物だよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I did my best to reduce it. When we went to America, I brought a lot of things with me, but in the end I didn't use many of them.|japanese=これでも頑張って減らしたんだ。 アメリカに行った時も、いろいろ持っていったけど 結局使わない物が多かったからね}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=There's still a whole lot of stuff in there... or rather, why is it mostly tools? It's not like you're going to maintain Nenerobo while you're out.|japanese=全然まだ多いから……ていうか、 なんでこんなに工具がいっぱい入ってるわけ? 向こうでネネロボをメンテするわけでもないのに}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I know. That's why I only have essential tools in there that I can use if something goes wrong.|japanese=それはわかっているとも。だからこそ、何かあった時のための 対処用の工具しか入れてないんだ}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku|english=If something goes wrong?|japanese=『何かあった時って?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes. For example, if the bullet train we're going on was to break down...|japanese=ああ。たとえば、乗っていた新幹線が故障したとか——}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=If something like that happens, leave it to the people at the railroad company.|japanese=もしそんなことが起きたとしても、 鉄道会社の人に任せろ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Well then... If the sprinklers at the inn broke down...|japanese=じゃあ……旅館のスプリンクラーが故障した時とか——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You can tell the teacher or the innkeeper about that too... Why would you try to fix it yourself?|japanese=それも先生とか旅館の人に言えばいいから……。 なんで自分で直そうとするわけ?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=That's because, of course, it if isn't fixed, everyone will be in trouble.|japanese=それはもちろん、直さないとみんなが困るからだよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Oh, my. As expected of Rui-kun~|japanese=『あら~。さすが類くんね~』}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Yeah! Rui-kun is super kind!|japanese=うんっ! すっごく優しいっ☆}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Well, it's true that he's kind, but...|japanese=まあ、たしかに優しいとは思うが……}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=You can't put your mementos or souvenirs in with that much baggage. Is that okay with you?|japanese=そんなに荷物パンパンでは、思い出の品や お土産が入れられないぞ。お前はそれでいいのか?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin|english=Eh! It's no good if you can't bring back memories!|japanese=『えー! 思い出を持って帰ってこれないのはダメだよ~!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Len|english=I want Rui to have a lot of fun on this school trip...|japanese=『せっかくの修学旅行だし、 類くんにいっぱい楽しんできてほしいな……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=...Thank you both. You may be right...|japanese=……ふたりとも、ありがとう。 そうだね……}}{{Dialogue scene|Flashback}}{{Dialogue image|Kamiyama High School Class.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Miyake|english=Ahaha, sorry for the chaos... I'm also not very social. So if you don't want to, it's fine if you say no!|japanese=あ、あはは、バタバタしちゃっててごめん……。 僕も陰キャ丸出しって感じの誘いかただし、 い、嫌だったら全然断ってもらって大丈夫だから!}}{{Dialogue|character=Miyake|english=But... I'd be happy to go around with Kamishiro-kun!|japanese=でもその……神代くんと一緒に回れたら、嬉しいな!}}{{Dialogue image|Rui's Room.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=(Indeed, this school trip may be...)|japanese=(たしかに、今回の修学旅行はもしかしたら……)}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'm still worried about emergencies, but I'll try to pack a little less.|japanese=……いざという時が心配だけれど、 もう少し荷物を減らしてみようかな}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Tsukasa-kun, would you mind giving me some advice?|japanese=司くん達、もしよければアドバイスしてくれるかい?}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Leave it to me! First of all, let's get all these tools out!|japanese=任せろ! まず、この工具類は全部出すぞ!}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Eh...! Wait, taking everything out is-|japanese=えっ……! 待ってくれ、全部はさすがに——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You definitely don't need a soldering iron or circuits. Emu, could you put this on the shelf over there?|japanese=はんだごても回路も絶対いらないから。 えむ、これそっちの棚に置いて}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Su~re! ♪|japanese=は~いっ♪}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Wait, you can't...!|japanese=ああ、そんな……!}}{{Dialogue|character=MEIKO|english=And then there's all of these notebooks. Let's see... stories for your shows?|japanese=『あとは、そのいっぱい入ってるノートね。 えっと……演出用にストーリー用?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Rui-kun uses a lot of notebooks, doesn't he?|japanese=『類くん、ノートをいろいろ使いわけているのね~』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=I see. But I think it's probably better to keep all of your show ideas in one notebook while traveling, and then copy everything over afterwards, don't you?|japanese=『なるほど。でも、旅行中はひとつのノートにまとめておいて あとで切ったり貼ったりするのが、いいんじゃないかな?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=It's true... as you say, it's more convenient to just use one notebook.|japanese=たしかに……カイトさんの言うとおり 1冊にまとめたほうが持ち運びにも便利だね}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Okay then, let's get all of these out, too!|japanese=よし、ではこれも全部出すぞ!}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=...Oh? There's a book in here.|japanese=……あれ? 本が入ってる}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=...! That's the book I was going to read on the bullet train.|japanese=……! それは新幹線の中で読もうと思っている本だよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=I see. Then I'll leave it here.|japanese=そうなんだ? じゃあ、これは残そっか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=That's a relief. I thought you were going to take that out too.|japanese=よかった。 それも放り出されてしまうのかと思ったよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Oi, don't talk nonsense. We're just trying to get rid of the things you won't need for the trip.|japanese=おい、人聞きの悪いことを言うな。 こっちは旅に必要ない物をよけているだけだぞ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Okay, now you should be rid of the extra stuff.|japanese=——よし、これで余計な物はなくなったはずだ}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Ooh~! The bag is so much tidier now!|japanese=お~っ! カバン、すっごくすっきりしたねっ☆}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I can't believe it... Can you really survive for 3 days and 2 nights with this?|japanese=信じられない……。 これで本当に2泊3日生きられるのかい?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I knew I should have brought some tools just in case-|japanese=やっぱり、念のための工具を——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You don't need them! Anyway, don't you usually keep tools in your pockets as well?|japanese=いらないから! どうせ、普段ポケットとかに入れてるヤツがあるでしょ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=That's right! Here, put down that spanner in your hand!|japanese=そうだぞ! ほら、その手に持っているスパナを置け!}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Oka-ay...|japanese=はーい……}}{{Dialogue|character=Vocaloids|english=Hehehe~|japanese=『あはは!』 『ふふっ』}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku|english=Rui-kun, enjoy your school trip! ☆|japanese=『類くん、修学旅行い~っぱい楽しんでねっ☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=MEIKO|english=I'm looking forward to the souvenirs. ♪|japanese=『お土産、期待してるわ♪』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=Now, now...|japanese=『こらこら……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Fufu... Thank you, everyone. I'll have fun on my school trip.|japanese=フフ……ありがとう、みんな。 修学旅行、ちゃんと楽しんでくるよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Well, it's getting late, but let's watch the anniversary performance together.|japanese=——さて、すっかり遅くなってしまったけれど、 記念公演をみんなで見ようか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin & Len|english=Yay~!|japanese=『やった~!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'm sorry about all of this, everyone.|japanese=司くん達も、いろいろすまなかったね}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Don't worry about it. Now, let's get out the projector I put aside.|japanese=気にするな。 では、脇によけておいたプロジェクターを出すか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes!|japanese=ああ!}}{{Story top}}
{{Card tabs|Something Left in My Heart}}{{Side story info|card id=672|story=1|image=Rui 25 art.png|characters=Kamishiro Rui; Tenma Tsukasa; Kusanagi Nene; Otori Emu; Hatsune Miku; KAITO; MEIKO; Kagamine Rin; Kagamine Len; Megurine Luka|translators=haruka's penguin|sources=[ Youtube]}}{{Dialogue options}}{{Dialogue scene|Rui's Room}}{{Dialogue image|Rui's Room.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=These drones... I can't take them with me after all. The maintenance toolkit...|japanese=このドローン達は……さすがに連れていけないね。 メンテ用の工具セットは……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=No, I'm not going to take Nenerobo with me, so I don't need that either.|japanese=……いや、ネネロボを連れていくわけじゃないから、 これもいらないのか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=(I've started preparing to go on the school trip, but... I can't quite seem to pack my things.)|japanese=(修学旅行に出かける準備を始めてみたけれど……。 なかなか荷物がまとまらないな)}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'd better check the list again.|japanese=もう一度リストを確認してみようか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Let's see... my smartphone, the itinerary booklet, cash, my student ID card...|japanese=えっと……スマホはもちろんとして、 日程がまとめられているしおりに、現金、それから学生証……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=A change of clothes, toothbrush set, writing utensils, and some basic medicine and band-aids in case something goes wrong.|japanese=それから着替え、歯ブラシセットに、筆記用具と 何かあった時のための常備薬にばんそうこう——}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Then there's a wrench, screwdriver, nippers, solder, and circuit board in case of emergencies...|japanese=そしてこれも何かあった時のための、レンチにドライバー、 ニッパー、はんだ、基板に……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Oh, I have that book I haven't finished reading too... I didn't put it on the list, but I'll take it to pass the time on the bullet train.|japanese=そういえば、読みかけの本があったな……。 リストには入れてなかったけれど、 新幹線の中での読み物として持っていこう}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=And I'd also like to include all my usual notebooks in case I come up with something while I'm away.|japanese=あと、旅先で何かを思いついた時のために いつものネタ帳もすべて入れておきたいんだけれど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Haa, my bag overflowed again... I wonder if it'll somehow close if I push everything in.|japanese=はあ……またカバンからあふれてしまった……。 押し込んだらどうにか閉まらないかな}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Rui, we're here!|japanese=類、来たぞー}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Hello!!|japanese=こんにちはー!!}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=Hi there, Rui-kun.|japanese=『こんにちは、類くん』}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku, Rin, Len|english=Thanks for having us~! ☆|japanese=『おじゃましま~すっ☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=What are you doing, leaving the door open?|japanese=もう、扉も開けっぱなしで 何して——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene, Tsukasa|english=Geh...!|japanese=『げっ……!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Oh dear. There are all kinds of things all over the floor and the desk.|japanese=『あら~。床にも机にも、いろんな物が置いてあるわ~』}}{{Dialogue|character=Len|english=There's a lot of parts and stuff I've never seen before~|japanese=『見たことない部品とかもいっぱいだ~』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=I don't know if it's just that they're here, or that they're scattered all over the place.|japanese=『置いてあるというか、 散乱してしまっているようだけど……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin|english=Oh, I got it! ♪ Everyone was coming over, so you were doing a big cleanup! ☆|japanese=『あ、わかった♪ みんなが来るから、大掃除をしてくれていたんだよね☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=No... rather, I was just getting ready for the school trip.|japanese=いや……、 修学旅行に行く準備をしていただけなんだけどな}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=That's all it took for the mess to become so huge that there's barely any room to stand... Looks like you're still not very good at tidying up.|japanese=たったそれだけで、ここまで足の踏み場をなくせるのか……。 相変わらず片づけが苦手なようだな}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=We can't even get into the room like this. How are we meant to watch the 30th anniversary performance video?|japanese=これじゃ部屋にも入れないし、 このあいだの30周年記念公演の映像も見れないんだけど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Sorry. I'll clean up right away. In the meantime, I'll move this so you can get into the room-|japanese=すまない。すぐに片づけるよ。 とりあえず部屋に入れるように、これをこっちにやって——}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Ah, wait, wait, wait! Don't do anything!|japanese=あー、待て待て待て! お前は何もするな!}}{{Dialogue break}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Aha! Now everyone can come in.|japanese=——よし! なんとか部屋に入れたな}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=It's much cleaner now. Good job.|japanese=『だいぶ綺麗になったね。お疲れさま』}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=But there's still a mountain of stuff left to climb. You said it was luggage for a school trip or something like that...|japanese=けど、まだひと山残ってるんだよね。 修学旅行用の荷物とかって言ってたけど……}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes, it's all the luggage I'm planning on taking with me.|japanese=実際、持って行こうと思っている荷物だよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I did my best to reduce it. When we went to America, I brought a lot of things with me, but in the end I didn't use many of them.|japanese=これでも頑張って減らしたんだ。 アメリカに行った時も、いろいろ持っていったけど 結局使わない物が多かったからね}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=There's still a whole lot of stuff in there... or rather, why is it mostly tools? It's not like you're going to maintain Nenerobo while you're out.|japanese=全然まだ多いから……ていうか、 なんでこんなに工具がいっぱい入ってるわけ? 向こうでネネロボをメンテするわけでもないのに}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I know. That's why I only have essential tools in there that I can use if something goes wrong.|japanese=それはわかっているとも。だからこそ、何かあった時のための 対処用の工具しか入れてないんだ}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku|english=If something goes wrong?|japanese=『何かあった時って?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes. For example, if the bullet train we're going on was to break down...|japanese=ああ。たとえば、乗っていた新幹線が故障したとか——}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=If something like that happens, leave it to the people at the railroad company.|japanese=もしそんなことが起きたとしても、 鉄道会社の人に任せろ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Well then... If the sprinklers at the inn broke down...|japanese=じゃあ……旅館のスプリンクラーが故障した時とか——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You can tell the teacher or the innkeeper about that too... Why would you try to fix it yourself?|japanese=それも先生とか旅館の人に言えばいいから……。 なんで自分で直そうとするわけ?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=That's because, of course, it if isn't fixed, everyone will be in trouble.|japanese=それはもちろん、直さないとみんなが困るからだよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Oh, my. As expected of Rui-kun~|japanese=『あら~。さすが類くんね~』}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Yeah! Rui-kun is super kind!|japanese=うんっ! すっごく優しいっ☆}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Well, it's true that he's kind, but...|japanese=まあ、たしかに優しいとは思うが……}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=You can't put your mementos or souvenirs in with that much baggage. Is that okay with you?|japanese=そんなに荷物パンパンでは、思い出の品や お土産が入れられないぞ。お前はそれでいいのか?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin|english=Eh! It's no good if you can't bring back memories!|japanese=『えー! 思い出を持って帰ってこれないのはダメだよ~!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Len|english=I want Rui to have a lot of fun on this school trip...|japanese=『せっかくの修学旅行だし、 類くんにいっぱい楽しんできてほしいな……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=...Thank you both. You may be right...|japanese=……ふたりとも、ありがとう。 そうだね……}}{{Dialogue scene|Flashback}}{{Dialogue image|Kamiyama High School Class.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Miyake|english=Ahaha, sorry for the chaos... I'm also not very social. So if you don't want to, it's fine if you say no!|japanese=あ、あはは、バタバタしちゃっててごめん……。 僕も陰キャ丸出しって感じの誘いかただし、 い、嫌だったら全然断ってもらって大丈夫だから!}}{{Dialogue|character=Miyake|english=But... I'd be happy to go around with Kamishiro-kun!|japanese=でもその……神代くんと一緒に回れたら、嬉しいな!}}{{Dialogue image|Rui's Room.png}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=(Indeed, this school trip may be...)|japanese=(たしかに、今回の修学旅行はもしかしたら……)}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'm still worried about emergencies, but I'll try to pack a little less.|japanese=……いざという時が心配だけれど、 もう少し荷物を減らしてみようかな}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Tsukasa-kun, would you mind giving me some advice?|japanese=司くん達、もしよければアドバイスしてくれるかい?}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Leave it to me! First of all, let's get all these tools out!|japanese=任せろ! まず、この工具類は全部出すぞ!}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Eh...! Wait, taking everything out is-|japanese=えっ……! 待ってくれ、全部はさすがに——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You definitely don't need a soldering iron or circuits. Emu, could you put this on the shelf over there?|japanese=はんだごても回路も絶対いらないから。 えむ、これそっちの棚に置いて}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Su~re! ♪|japanese=は~いっ♪}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Wait, you can't...!|japanese=ああ、そんな……!}}{{Dialogue|character=MEIKO|english=And then there's all of these notebooks. Let's see... stories for your shows?|japanese=『あとは、そのいっぱい入ってるノートね。 えっと……演出用にストーリー用?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Luka|english=Rui-kun uses a lot of notebooks, doesn't he?|japanese=『類くん、ノートをいろいろ使いわけているのね~』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=I see. But I think it's probably better to keep all of your show ideas in one notebook while traveling, and then copy everything over afterwards, don't you?|japanese=『なるほど。でも、旅行中はひとつのノートにまとめておいて あとで切ったり貼ったりするのが、いいんじゃないかな?』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=It's true... as you say, it's more convenient to just use one notebook.|japanese=たしかに……カイトさんの言うとおり 1冊にまとめたほうが持ち運びにも便利だね}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Okay then, let's get all of these out, too!|japanese=よし、ではこれも全部出すぞ!}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=...Oh? There's a book in here.|japanese=……あれ? 本が入ってる}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=...! That's the book I was going to read on the bullet train.|japanese=……! それは新幹線の中で読もうと思っている本だよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=I see. Then I'll leave it here.|japanese=そうなんだ? じゃあ、これは残そっか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=That's a relief. I thought you were going to take that out too.|japanese=よかった。 それも放り出されてしまうのかと思ったよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Oi, don't talk nonsense. We're just trying to get rid of the things you won't need for the trip.|japanese=おい、人聞きの悪いことを言うな。 こっちは旅に必要ない物をよけているだけだぞ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Okay, now you should be rid of the extra stuff.|japanese=——よし、これで余計な物はなくなったはずだ}}{{Dialogue|character=Emu|english=Ooh~! The bag is so much tidier now!|japanese=お~っ! カバン、すっごくすっきりしたねっ☆}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I can't believe it... Can you really survive for 3 days and 2 nights with this?|japanese=信じられない……。 これで本当に2泊3日生きられるのかい?}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I knew I should have brought some tools just in case-|japanese=やっぱり、念のための工具を——}}{{Dialogue|character=Nene|english=You don't need them! Anyway, don't you usually keep tools in your pockets as well?|japanese=いらないから! どうせ、普段ポケットとかに入れてるヤツがあるでしょ}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=That's right! Here, put down that spanner in your hand!|japanese=そうだぞ! ほら、その手に持っているスパナを置け!}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Oka-ay...|japanese=はーい……}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku, Rin, Len, MEIKO, KAITO, Luka|english=Hehehe~|japanese=『あはは!』 『ふふっ』}}{{Dialogue|character=Miku|english=Rui-kun, enjoy your school trip! ☆|japanese=『類くん、修学旅行い~っぱい楽しんでねっ☆』}}{{Dialogue|character=MEIKO|english=I'm looking forward to the souvenirs. ♪|japanese=『お土産、期待してるわ♪』}}{{Dialogue|character=KAITO|english=Now, now...|japanese=『こらこら……』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Fufu... Thank you, everyone. I'll have fun on my school trip.|japanese=フフ……ありがとう、みんな。 修学旅行、ちゃんと楽しんでくるよ}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Well, it's getting late, but let's watch the anniversary performance together.|japanese=——さて、すっかり遅くなってしまったけれど、 記念公演をみんなで見ようか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rin, Len|english=Yay~!|japanese=『やった~!』}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=I'm sorry about all of this, everyone.|japanese=司くん達も、いろいろすまなかったね}}{{Dialogue|character=Tsukasa|english=Don't worry about it. Now, let's get out the projector I put aside.|japanese=気にするな。 では、脇によけておいたプロジェクターを出すか}}{{Dialogue|character=Rui|english=Yes!|japanese=ああ!}}{{Story top}}

Latest revision as of 22:53, 26 November 2023

Rui's Room
Kamishiro Rui
These drones... I can't take them with me after all. The maintenance toolkit...
このドローン達は……さすがに連れていけないね。 メンテ用の工具セットは……
Kamishiro Rui
No, I'm not going to take Nenerobo with me, so I don't need that either.
……いや、ネネロボを連れていくわけじゃないから、 これもいらないのか
Kamishiro Rui
(I've started preparing to go on the school trip, but... I can't quite seem to pack my things.)
(修学旅行に出かける準備を始めてみたけれど……。 なかなか荷物がまとまらないな)
Kamishiro Rui
I'd better check the list again.
Kamishiro Rui
Let's see... my smartphone, the itinerary booklet, cash, my student ID card...
えっと……スマホはもちろんとして、 日程がまとめられているしおりに、現金、それから学生証……
Kamishiro Rui
A change of clothes, toothbrush set, writing utensils, and some basic medicine and band-aids in case something goes wrong.
それから着替え、歯ブラシセットに、筆記用具と 何かあった時のための常備薬にばんそうこう——
Kamishiro Rui
Then there's a wrench, screwdriver, nippers, solder, and circuit board in case of emergencies...
そしてこれも何かあった時のための、レンチにドライバー、 ニッパー、はんだ、基板に……
Kamishiro Rui
Oh, I have that book I haven't finished reading too... I didn't put it on the list, but I'll take it to pass the time on the bullet train.
そういえば、読みかけの本があったな……。 リストには入れてなかったけれど、 新幹線の中での読み物として持っていこう
Kamishiro Rui
And I'd also like to include all my usual notebooks in case I come up with something while I'm away.
あと、旅先で何かを思いついた時のために いつものネタ帳もすべて入れておきたいんだけれど……
Kamishiro Rui
Haa, my bag overflowed again... I wonder if it'll somehow close if I push everything in.
はあ……またカバンからあふれてしまった……。 押し込んだらどうにか閉まらないかな
Tenma Tsukasa
Rui, we're here!
Otori Emu
Hi there, Rui-kun.
Hatsune MikuKagamine RinKagamine Len
Miku, Rin & Len
Thanks for having us~! ☆
Kusanagi Nene
What are you doing, leaving the door open?
もう、扉も開けっぱなしで 何して——
Kusanagi NeneTenma Tsukasa
Nene & Tsukasa
Megurine Luka
Oh dear. There are all kinds of things all over the floor and the desk.
Kagamine Len
There's a lot of parts and stuff I've never seen before~
I don't know if it's just that they're here, or that they're scattered all over the place.
『置いてあるというか、 散乱してしまっているようだけど……』
Kagamine Rin
Oh, I got it! ♪ Everyone was coming over, so you were doing a big cleanup! ☆
『あ、わかった♪ みんなが来るから、大掃除をしてくれていたんだよね☆』
Kamishiro Rui
No... rather, I was just getting ready for the school trip.
いや……、 修学旅行に行く準備をしていただけなんだけどな
Tenma Tsukasa
That's all it took for the mess to become so huge that there's barely any room to stand... Looks like you're still not very good at tidying up.
たったそれだけで、ここまで足の踏み場をなくせるのか……。 相変わらず片づけが苦手なようだな
Kusanagi Nene
We can't even get into the room like this. How are we meant to watch the 30th anniversary performance video?
これじゃ部屋にも入れないし、 このあいだの30周年記念公演の映像も見れないんだけど……
Kamishiro Rui
Sorry. I'll clean up right away. In the meantime, I'll move this so you can get into the room-
すまない。すぐに片づけるよ。 とりあえず部屋に入れるように、これをこっちにやって——
Tenma Tsukasa
Ah, wait, wait, wait! Don't do anything!
あー、待て待て待て! お前は何もするな!
— Some time later —
Tenma Tsukasa
Aha! Now everyone can come in.
——よし! なんとか部屋に入れたな
It's much cleaner now. Good job.
Kusanagi Nene
But there's still a mountain of stuff left to climb. You said it was luggage for a school trip or something like that...
けど、まだひと山残ってるんだよね。 修学旅行用の荷物とかって言ってたけど……
Kamishiro Rui
Yes, it's all the luggage I'm planning on taking with me.
Kamishiro Rui
I did my best to reduce it. When we went to America, I brought a lot of things with me, but in the end I didn't use many of them.
これでも頑張って減らしたんだ。 アメリカに行った時も、いろいろ持っていったけど 結局使わない物が多かったからね
Kusanagi Nene
There's still a whole lot of stuff in there... or rather, why is it mostly tools? It's not like you're going to maintain Nenerobo while you're out.
全然まだ多いから……ていうか、 なんでこんなに工具がいっぱい入ってるわけ? 向こうでネネロボをメンテするわけでもないのに
Kamishiro Rui
I know. That's why I only have essential tools in there that I can use if something goes wrong.
それはわかっているとも。だからこそ、何かあった時のための 対処用の工具しか入れてないんだ
Hatsune Miku
If something goes wrong?
Kamishiro Rui
Yes. For example, if the bullet train we're going on was to break down...
Tenma Tsukasa
If something like that happens, leave it to the people at the railroad company.
もしそんなことが起きたとしても、 鉄道会社の人に任せろ
Kamishiro Rui
Well then... If the sprinklers at the inn broke down...
Kusanagi Nene
You can tell the teacher or the innkeeper about that too... Why would you try to fix it yourself?
それも先生とか旅館の人に言えばいいから……。 なんで自分で直そうとするわけ?
Kamishiro Rui
That's because, of course, it if isn't fixed, everyone will be in trouble.
Megurine Luka
Oh, my. As expected of Rui-kun~
Otori Emu
Yeah! Rui-kun is super kind!
うんっ! すっごく優しいっ☆
Tenma Tsukasa
Well, it's true that he's kind, but...
Tenma Tsukasa
You can't put your mementos or souvenirs in with that much baggage. Is that okay with you?
そんなに荷物パンパンでは、思い出の品や お土産が入れられないぞ。お前はそれでいいのか?
Kagamine Rin
Eh! It's no good if you can't bring back memories!
『えー! 思い出を持って帰ってこれないのはダメだよ~!』
Kagamine Len
I want Rui to have a lot of fun on this school trip...
『せっかくの修学旅行だし、 類くんにいっぱい楽しんできてほしいな……』
Kamishiro Rui
...Thank you both. You may be right...
……ふたりとも、ありがとう。 そうだね……
Ahaha, sorry for the chaos... I'm also not very social. So if you don't want to, it's fine if you say no!
あ、あはは、バタバタしちゃっててごめん……。 僕も陰キャ丸出しって感じの誘いかただし、 い、嫌だったら全然断ってもらって大丈夫だから!
But... I'd be happy to go around with Kamishiro-kun!
Kamishiro Rui
(Indeed, this school trip may be...)
Kamishiro Rui
I'm still worried about emergencies, but I'll try to pack a little less.
……いざという時が心配だけれど、 もう少し荷物を減らしてみようかな
Kamishiro Rui
Tsukasa-kun, would you mind giving me some advice?
Tenma Tsukasa
Leave it to me! First of all, let's get all these tools out!
任せろ! まず、この工具類は全部出すぞ!
Kamishiro Rui
Eh...! Wait, taking everything out is-
えっ……! 待ってくれ、全部はさすがに——
Kusanagi Nene
You definitely don't need a soldering iron or circuits. Emu, could you put this on the shelf over there?
はんだごても回路も絶対いらないから。 えむ、これそっちの棚に置いて
Otori Emu
Su~re! ♪
Kamishiro Rui
Wait, you can't...!
And then there's all of these notebooks. Let's see... stories for your shows?
『あとは、そのいっぱい入ってるノートね。 えっと……演出用にストーリー用?』
Megurine Luka
Rui-kun uses a lot of notebooks, doesn't he?
I see. But I think it's probably better to keep all of your show ideas in one notebook while traveling, and then copy everything over afterwards, don't you?
『なるほど。でも、旅行中はひとつのノートにまとめておいて あとで切ったり貼ったりするのが、いいんじゃないかな?』
Kamishiro Rui
It's true... as you say, it's more convenient to just use one notebook.
たしかに……カイトさんの言うとおり 1冊にまとめたほうが持ち運びにも便利だね
Tenma Tsukasa
Okay then, let's get all of these out, too!
Kusanagi Nene
...Oh? There's a book in here.
……あれ? 本が入ってる
Kamishiro Rui
...! That's the book I was going to read on the bullet train.
……! それは新幹線の中で読もうと思っている本だよ
Kusanagi Nene
I see. Then I'll leave it here.
そうなんだ? じゃあ、これは残そっか
Kamishiro Rui
That's a relief. I thought you were going to take that out too.
よかった。 それも放り出されてしまうのかと思ったよ
Tenma Tsukasa
Oi, don't talk nonsense. We're just trying to get rid of the things you won't need for the trip.
おい、人聞きの悪いことを言うな。 こっちは旅に必要ない物をよけているだけだぞ
Tenma Tsukasa
Okay, now you should be rid of the extra stuff.
Otori Emu
Ooh~! The bag is so much tidier now!
お~っ! カバン、すっごくすっきりしたねっ☆
Kamishiro Rui
I can't believe it... Can you really survive for 3 days and 2 nights with this?
信じられない……。 これで本当に2泊3日生きられるのかい?
Kamishiro Rui
I knew I should have brought some tools just in case-
Kusanagi Nene
You don't need them! Anyway, don't you usually keep tools in your pockets as well?
いらないから! どうせ、普段ポケットとかに入れてるヤツがあるでしょ
Tenma Tsukasa
That's right! Here, put down that spanner in your hand!
そうだぞ! ほら、その手に持っているスパナを置け!
Kamishiro Rui
Hatsune MikuKagamine RinKagamine LenMEIKOKAITOMegurine Luka
Miku, Rin, Len, MEIKO, KAITO & Luka
『あはは!』 『ふふっ』
Hatsune Miku
Rui-kun, enjoy your school trip! ☆
I'm looking forward to the souvenirs. ♪
Now, now...
Kamishiro Rui
Fufu... Thank you, everyone. I'll have fun on my school trip.
フフ……ありがとう、みんな。 修学旅行、ちゃんと楽しんでくるよ
Kamishiro Rui
Well, it's getting late, but let's watch the anniversary performance together.
——さて、すっかり遅くなってしまったけれど、 記念公演をみんなで見ようか
Kagamine RinKagamine Len
Rin & Len
Kamishiro Rui
I'm sorry about all of this, everyone.
Tenma Tsukasa
Don't worry about it. Now, let's get out the projector I put aside.
気にするな。 では、脇によけておいたプロジェクターを出すか
Kamishiro Rui

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