Stage Sekai/Area Conversations

From Sekaipedia

This page contains a list of all area conversations that take place within the Stage Sekai. Some of these area conversations aren't available unless certain event stories have been read.

Possible characters that can appear here and have conversations are Minori, Haruka, Airi, Shizuku, Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO and KAITO.

Past[edit | edit source]

Image Preview Line Characters
File:Aconvo 294.png "Miku, I love the..."
File:Aconvo 295.png "Humhumhuuum♪"
File:Aconvo 323.png "――♪――♪ Great, that's it for my vocal exercises...!"
File:Aconvo 324.png "One, two, three, four..."
"Haruka, you decided you wanted to be an idol..."
File:Aconvo 460.png "Wow! This stage is huge!"
"Shizuku, do you ever get nervous before a show..."

Present[edit | edit source]

Image Preview Line Characters

Navigation[edit | edit source]

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